DEASPHALTING, removal of asphalt resin substances from high boiling petroleum products for advanced performance properties. Since the mid. 50s — early 60s 4 propane D. of tar plants (with a capacity of 240 thous. t/year) and 1 unit (300 thous. t/ year) have operated at Novo Ufimsky Refinery and Ufaneftekhim Enterprise in Bashkortostan; the process of the propane butane D. of tar was put in operation in the early 90s. The energy saving D. technologies developed by BashNIINP have been introduced at the oil refineries of the Republic. Pilot testing of tar D. with gasoline (Doben process) was carried out at the Ufa Pilot Works of Low Tonnage Petrochemical Plants, Ishimbay and Novo Ufimsky Refineries.