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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 921

DOROGA (Daruga), a name of an administrative and territory unit of the Ural-Volga region between the late 16th — 18th centuries (according to other data, between 13—18th centuries). The division of the Bashkir territory into D. has been known since the 13th century (according to other data, between 16—17th centuries). The name D. dates back to the name of the title of a tax collector; later to an administrative and territory unit of the Mongol Empire and the Golden Horde. After the accession of Bashkortostan to Russia, the Ufimsky Uyezd territory was divided into Kazan, Nogay, Osinskaya, and Sib. Dorogas. The names of D. are based on the names of geographical objects, to which the outer borders of Ufimsky Uyezd were adjoined (Kazan, Osa, Nogay Steppe, and Siberia) or territorial division of Bashkortostan between the Nogay Horde, Kazan and Sib. Khanates. D. did not have clear territory delineation, their borders were in flux. They were divided into volosts. In the late 1730s, the administration of a D. was headed by Chief Starshina (Head). D. were abolished in the late 18th century due to the introduction of the uyezds and the canton administration system in the Orenburg Guberniya.


Publication date: 02.06.2020
Last updated: 02.06.2020