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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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DYURTYULINSKY RAION, located in the NW of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930. Abolished on February 1, 1963, the territory became part of Ilishevsky Raion. Newly established on January 13, 1965. Territory 1,690 km2. Adm. centre Dyurtyuli, which is located 124 km NW of Ufa. Population — 29.5 thous. people (2017).

In 2018, the area of agricultural lands amounted to 103.8 thous. ha (62.2% of the total area), including arable lands 66.6, hayfields 13.2, pastures 26.1; forest area 30 and surface waters 4. Agricultural enterprises [20 enterprises and 32 peasant (farmer) farms] specialize in growing grain and forage crops, and dairy and meat cattle breeding.

In D.r., there are: Dyurtyuli–Keramika, Reinforced Concrete–Stroneg enterprises; AO Dyurtyulinsky Dairy Products Factory, etc. Highways Kazan—Ufa, Dyurtyuli—Buraevo, Dyurtyuli—Gruzdevka and Dyurtyuli—Neftekamsk cross the territory. The Sergeevka pier on the Belaya River is part of the river logistics system of the RB.

There are: Dyurtyulinsky Multidisciplinary College, 29 general education schools, 20 pre school educational institutions, 2 supplementary schools, an interschool educational centre, a school of arts; a central hospital and a rural hospital, 5 outpatient clinics, 31 medical and obstetrical centers; Agidel and Venetziya (Venice) Health Resorts; 43 clubs, the central Palace of Culture in Dyurtyuli, the V.N.Gorshkov Youth Centre, 30 libraries, a local history museum, the Sh.Babich Museum and the N.Najmi Memorial House. In the Raion, there are 20 folk and exemplary amateur art groups.

Publication date: 02.06.2020
Last updated: 17.03.2021