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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTRES, branches (2006) of the House of People’s Friendship. Created in the places of compact residence of Bashkirs, Russians, Tatars and other ethnic groups, or in the residential buildings of the historically prominent people.

By 2018, 16 H.c.c. had been registered in the Republic. Among them Bashk. H.c.c.: Temyasovo (1994, Selo Temyasovo of Baymaksky Raion), Saitbaba (2003, Selo Saitbaba of Gafuriysky Raion) and Kanzafar-biya H.c.c. (2011, Derevnya Stary Usman of Blagovarsky Raion); Russian — St. Nicholas Church (1994, Selo Nikolo-Beryozovka of Krasnokamsky Raion) and Krasny Yar (2003, Selo Krasny Yar of Ufimsky Raion), as well as Tatar — 2003, Selo Kilimovo of Buzdyaksky Raion, 1995, Derevnya Suuk-Chishma of Karmaskalinsky Raion, Mary — 2003, Selo Mishkino of Mishkinsky Raion; Ukranian — 1999, Selo Zolotonoshka of Sterlitamaksky Raion), Udmurt — 2003, Selo Tatyshly of Tatyshlinsky Raion), Mordovan — 2011, Selo Fyodorovka of Fyodorovsky Raion, Belarusian — 2003, Selo Baltika of Iglinsky Raion), German — 1998, Selo Prishib of Blagovarsky Raion), Latvian (2003, Selo Maxim Gorky of Arkhangelsky Raion), as well as Aksakovsky H.c.c. (1998, Selo Nadezhdino of Belebeyevsky Raion) and Tsvetayevsky H.c.c. (1998, Selo Usen-Ivanovo of Belebeyevsky Raion). H.c.c. function in historical and local lore museums, libraries, clubs, educational institutions, etc. H.c.c. together with national cultural centres and public associations, hold national holidays: Navruz — on the day of the spring equinox, folklore Like on the Kama, on the river within the Days of Slavic Writing and Culture, Ukr. — Music Fair, national — tat. — Tugan Tel, Mari — Tukym Vozh, Belorus. — Ivana-Kupala, Hebrew — Purim, Latvian — Ligo; religious The Mellow Chime, Wide Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, Hanuka, as well as the International Aksakov Days and Days of Polish Culture in the RB, interregional competition of young performers of the Udmurt song Zhuzhas Ki­ zilios, etc. H.c.c. promote the revival of folk crafts, the study of native languages, the publication of local lore litres; conduct activities on identification and restoration of monuments of architecture, perpetuation of memory of famous men of art and science.

Publication date: 25.06.2020
Last updated: 23.03.2021