MASAGUTOV, Rim Khakimovich
MASAGUTOV, Rim Khakimovich (b.20.8.1946, Selo Ismailovo of Dyurtyulinsky Raion of the BASSR), Mining Geological Engineer. Associate Member of the AS RB (2012), Dr.Sci. (Geology and Mineralogy) (2006), Full Professor (2008). Merited Geologist of the RF (2017) and RB (2000), Merited Miner of Russia (2011), Deposit Discoverer (2013). Graduated from the Perm Polytechnic Institute (1972). Since 1966 and since 2010 at PAO Bashneft, since 1987 at OOO Bashgeoproekt, between 2019–21 science editor–expert of the Herald of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Bashkortostan journal. Scientific and production activity is dedicated to the study of the geological structure of the platform part of the Republic and geological exploration of oil and gas. M. is the discoverer of the Ilishevskoye Oil Field.