MUSEUMS, scientific, cultural and educational institutions that collect, store, study and popularize both the natural history monuments and material and spiritual culture artifacts. The first M. in Bashkortostan – the Ufa Gub. M. was founded in 1864 (ref. National Museum of the RB). In 1919, the Ufimsky Proletarian Art M. named after October Revolution was founded (ref. Art Museum named after M.V. Nesterov), in 1934 – Museum of Geology and Field Mineral Resources of the RB, in 1940 – K.Ivanov Memorial House and the 25th Chapaev Division M., in 1941 – V.I.Lenin Memorial House, in 1948 – M.Gafuri Memorial House, and in 1957 – the Oktyabrsky Museum. In the 1960s, the following Republican M. were founded: Beloretsky M., M.Kh.Gubaydullin M., Salavat Yulayev M., Uchalinsky M.; in the 1970s – Baymaksky M., Belebeyevsky M., D.Kiekbayev M., Kugarchinsky M., T.T.Kusimov M., Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, K.Khakimov M.; in the 1980s – M.Akmulla M., R.Garipov M., Zianchurinsky M., Kuyurgazinsky M., M. of Forest, M. of Ministry of Internal Affairs; in the 1990s – G.Almukhametov M., Sh.Babich M., A.‑Z.Validi M., M.Gareyev M., A.Mubaryakov M., National Literary Museum of the RB, M.Umetbayev M.; in the 2000s – Kinzya Arslanov M., Museum of Military Glory, M. of History of Parliament, etc. At the end of the 20th century, in the RB, there were 82 state and municipal M. of various specializations. Thus, Bashkortostan ranked 3rd in the RF (after Moscow and St. Petersburg) in the museum network development.