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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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MUSIC, an art form. The professional music art of Bashkortostan, deriving from folk music (ref. Folk music, Folk singers and musicians) and world culture, has developed since early 20th century. Before the Revolution of 1917, the Bashkirs mainly developed the oral musical and poetic art, manifested in the creative work of singers (yirau), kuray players and sesens. The accession of Bashkortostan to Russia, the establishment of military fortresses and towns, the influx of population from central Russia caused the emergence of the new forms of existence of M. The Patriotic War of 1812 and the rebellion of the Decembrists contributed to the democratization of culture and art: the Bashkir warriors — the participants of battles with the Napoleonic army, upon returning home introduced the elements of Russian and European M. into the national. M. Since the end of the 2nd half of the 19th century, the evenings and concerts of touring artists and local musicians were held, the tradition of home music performances was developed, the musical educational work was performed by amateur musical and literary societies, etc, among which the Society of singing, music and drama art lovers, as well as the Galiya madrassa played a noticeable role. R.G.Ignatyev, G.Kh.Yenikeyev, A.I.Ovodov, etc were involved in musical ethnography. The new phase in the study of the Bashkir M. became The Bashkir and Tatar Melodies by M.I.Sultanov, Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with the Review of Their Life, etc.

In the 20–30s of the 20th century, Music School No.1, the Uchilishche of Arts, the Bashkir Studio at the Moscow Conservatory were created. The formation of the performing art is associated with the work of G.S.Almukhametov and Yu.M.Isyan­ bayev. An art history section was created at the Society of the Study of Household, History and Culture of Bashkiria, which included G.S.Almukhametov, S.Gabyashi, A.S.Klyucharyov, I.V.Saltykov, who made a great contribution to the research of the Bashkir musical folklore and to the development of the genres of professional M. The Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Bashkir Philharmonia were opened, the Union of the Composers of the RB was created. Op­ eras Ayhylu by M.M.Valeyev and N.I.Peyko, Akbuzat, ballet Crane Song, etc were staged at the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre.

In the 50s, along with the creation of songs and romances, composers especially focused on the development of choral music, symphony and chamber‑instrumental M. A great event in the artistic life of the Republic were staged ballets Mountain Story by A.S.Klyucharyov, Mountain Eagle by Kh.F.Akhmetov and N.G.Sabitov, Gulnazira and I Love You, Life by N.G.Sabitov, The Dark-complexioned by Kh.Sh.Zaimov and A.G.Chugayev, operas Salavat Yulayev and Shaura by Z.G.Ismagilov.

The activation of the music life of the Republic in the 60s was facilitated by opening of the Institute of Arts, the creation of the Chapel Choir of the RB and the Choral Society (ref. Music Society of the RB). In the 1970s, the Bashkir M. was enriched by the compositions of young composers M.Kh.Akhmetov, A.Kh.Gabdrakhmanov, R.Kh.Gazizov, E.N.Zemtsov, L.Z.Ismagi­lova, R.M.Khasanov, D.D.Khasanshin, S.G.Shagiakhmetova. Operas Waves of Agidel, Akmulla and Ambassadors of the Urals by Z.G.Ismagilov, Black Wa- ters and In the Lunar Eclipse Night by S.A.Nizametdinov, ballets The Aygul Country, In the Lunar Eclipse Night, etc were staged at Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre. Different genres of symphony M. continued to develop. In the late 1990s, the themes of vocal music, choral and children’s music broadened, the means and methods of composing music became more diverse. The concert activity is conducted by the National Symphony Orchestra of the RB, the National Or­ chestra of Folk Instruments of the RB, etc. The mass forms of music culture (jazz, rock music) penetrate into the concert and theatrical life of the Republic. The relevant problems of the professional and folk M. are researched. It became a tradition to hold the Festival of the Music of the Composers of the Volga Region and the Urals, the International Ballet Art Festival named af­ ter R.Nureyev, Chaliapin’s Evenings in Ufa, the International Contest Festival of Music Art of the Turkic Youth Ural Mono, Symphony Night, etc.

Publication date: 17.08.2020
Last updated: 01.04.2021