MUSIC AND SONGS OF THE URAL MUSLIMS WITH THE REVIEW OF THEIR LIFE, the scientific publication, dedicated to the folk musical art of Bashkirs, Tatars, Teptyars and Nagaybaks (1897). It was compiled by S.G. Rybakov based on the materials, collected between 1893–94 during his expedition around the South Urals. It is the first and the only academic publication of the pre‑revolutionary period, devoted to the musical folklore of the Turkic peoples of the Urals and Trans‑Urals. The characteristic of the folk music is provided in the introduction, munazhats and baits are reviewed in section Samples of Bookish Art of the Indigenous Dwellers of the Urals, the note section includes songs and folk tunes (204, 128 of them for kuray); the book ends with section Singers and Musicians among the Ural Muslims (essays of travel). A map of the expedition routes and the Asian Music Magazine (1816) are provided in the annexes to the publication. The coverage of the repertoire of each performer, the description of their appearance and performing manner, listeners’ feedback, the circumstances and places of recording reveal a vivid picture of the musical life of the 19th century. The author noted the one‑voiced melodic culture of Bashkirs, the division of melodies into drawling (uzun-kyuy) and “fast”; the performance of vocal music and instrumental pieces accompanied by a legend or a story about the circumstances of their creation, the wide popularity of kuray, the availability of folk musicians engaged exclusively in the composing and performance of music; described the process of guttural singing uzlyau, etc; grouped musical pieces by themes. In 2012, the book was republished.