MYSOVAYA, Urta‑Tube, an archaeological site (settlement) of the Stone Age. It is included in the Karabalykty Archeological Complex of artifacts and is located 1 km to the W of Selo Tashbulatovo of Abzelilovsky Raion, on a cape on the western shore of Karabalykty Lake. Discovered and researched between 1961–68 by G.N.Matyushin, in 1971 – by O.N.Bader. Belongs to the category of multi‑layered settlements. Around 342 m2 was dug out. There were found more than 45 thous. items, mainly articles made of flint and jasper, and approximately 2 thous. ceramic fragments. A dwelling of a rectangular shape was found in the form of a semi‑dug out shelter with hearths, with a total area of 72 m2. The west and east walls are hollowed in a rock, while the north and south walls are fortified with stones. In the lower layers, there were found approx. 50 pieces of silicon dating from the mid. Acheulian and Musterian periods (400–45 thous. BC). There were also found choppers (pebbles with sharp edges), manually chopped weapons, sharp on both sides, nucleuses, scrapers, and tips. In the layer of the Mesolithic Period, 7,530 finds were found, mainly knife‑like plates and items in their category. In the layer of the Neolithic Period, fragments of ceramics and ornamentation were found. There were ceramics with traces of stamped impressions made with a comb‑like device and a number of ceramic items from the Surtardinskaya Culture consisting of 5,264 plates and related items (scrapers, saws, axes, donuts, tips of arrows and spears and knives). There was also found a burial, dating towards the end of the Neolithic or Eneolithic periods. In it, there were found cutters, knife‑like plates and bone decorations. In the upper layers, fragments of late bronze ceramics of late Bronze and early Iron Age were identified. The artifact allows us to trace the sequence of development of the cultures of the Stone Age in the south of the Urals. The materials are kept at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, the BSU collections.