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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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NADZHMI, Nazar (real name: Nazmutdinov Nazar Nazmutdinovich; 5.2.1918, Derevnya Minlishtino of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Minishty of Dyurtyulinsky Raion of the RB, – 6.9.1999, Ufa, buried in his homeland). People’s Poet of the RB (1993). Laureate of the RSFSR State Award named after M.Gorky (1982), BASSR Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1972). Awarded with the Order of the October Revolution (1978), the 1st (1985) and 2nd (1945) Class Order of the Patriotic War, Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1955, 1968), Order of the Red Star (1945), Order of Honour (1999). Member of the Union of Writers of the RB. Participant in the Great Patriotic War. After graduation from Bashkir Ped. Institute named after K.A.Timiryazev (1947), he worked in the Krasny Bashkortostan newspaper and Literaturny Bashkortostan magazine. Since 1954, Dir. at BSAT. Since 1955, Editor of the Vily magazine (all – in Ufa). Since 1959 Executive Secretary, between 1962–68 Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of the BASSR. Author of the following collections of poetry: It is Snowing (1971), Father’s House (1988), etc, literary‑critical and journalistic books: Light Falls From Above (1972), Pages of the Soul (1999), etc; drama works: Spring Song, Arc with the Bells; comedies: Farewell, Khayrush, Boy is Boy, etc. Deputy of the Supreme Council of the BASSR of the 6–7th convocations.

Publication date: 24.08.2020
Last updated: 12.04.2021