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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 1160

DRUG REHABILITATION CLINIC NO. 1, the leading republican specialized healthcare institution for treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts, alcohol abusers, toxic substances abusers and individuals who suffer from tobacco addiction. Located in Ufa. It was founded in 1984. The Clinic consists of the inpatient sub‑branch with 10 departments and the polyclinical sub‑branch with 14 drug detox offices, the outpatient department and the centers for medical and social rehabilitation: Yakty Ul in Derevnya Yumatovo (Ufimsky Raion) and Iremel in Derevnya Noviye Cherkassy (Ufa), and others. In 2006 the Ufa Minicipal Drug Rehabilitation and Treatment Hospital merged with the institution. The building of the Drug Rehabilitation Clinic in 119 Pushkin street, which was built in 1913, was formerly the house of the merchant A.V.Smolentsev. It is currently a listed heritage building. In 2018, it had about 500 employees, incl. 90 MDs and about 200 were healthcare workers.

Publication date: 25.08.2020
Last updated: 01.04.2021