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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 910

HEAT ENGINEERING. The Bashkirenergo Company (Bashkortostan) put into operation a TPP based on gas reciprocating units; in 1999 a gas turbine unit was integrated for the first time for combined heat and power generation. Since the 1940s, the Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant has produced rolled steel (including heat resistant and refractory grades) for the manufacture of furnaces and boilers; since the 1950s, Blagoveshchensk Valves Plant has produced pipeline valves for heating systems; since 2005, Ufa Pipe Plant has produced pipes with polyurethane heat insulation. Neftemash Plant (Davlekanovo) manufactures automated gas boilers, mobile steam heating units, oil heaters and other equipment; NPP Teplotekhnika Plant (the boiler equipment plant in Tuimazy) produces household electric boilers and industrial boiler houses, steam generators, etc. Starting from 1996, NPP Baset (Oktyabrsky) manufactures filter cartridges to remove solid particles, liquids and methanol from the mains gas as well as finned pipes made of Cr-Ni steel grades, etc.

Publication date: 15.11.2020
Last updated: 15.11.2020