ECLOGITE, an over‑pressured magmatic and metamorphic rock. It is made by critical mineral association of pyrop‑grossular‑almandi of new garnet, jadeite‑diopside‑clinopiroxen (omphacite), rutile, secondary minerals (quartz, coesite, cyanite, zoisite, hornblende, and ilmenite). By its chemical composition, E. corresponds to the magmatic rocks of gabbro‑basalt series. The structure is xenomorphic‑granular, porphyroblastic; the texture is massive or foliated. The color is greenish with reddish and pink encroachments of garnet crystals. Magmatic (mantle) E. is observed in xenolites of kimberlites, metamorphic E. – in disthen‑gneissic, disten‑shaly and glaucophane‑shaly complexes in the form of interlayer deposits and boudins. The manifestations of rutile and diamond are associated with E. Metamorphogenic E. is widely represented in Bashkortostan in the Maksyutovsky Metamorphic Complex and it is available in the Beloretsk Metamorphic Complex.