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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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ECO TOURISM, travel to territories of wild nature in order to better understand the local culture and natural environment. It aims to not violate the integrity of ecosystems and make the protection of natural resources seen as beneficial for local residents. In Bashkortostan, the most active types of eco tourism have been bus, water-related, mountain, horse, skiing and hiking as well as combined tours. This type of tourism was organized in the Republic in the 1960s. The opening in 1964 of the Agidel Tourist Camp Site was the impetus for the development of the water sports tourism in the Republic. In 1965, the camp accepted the first group of tourists to challenge the All‑Union Tourist Route No.59 – rafting along the Belaya River (240 km long). In 1972, The Arsk Stone camp was built; on which, in 1975, winter horse-sleigh and summer horse‑riding routes were officially opened for the first time in the country. In 1993, the Tengri Ecological Association (ref. Ural-Tengri) engaged in various development projects of internal tourism in the South Urals. Since 2000, active tourism in the Republic has been promoted by Roza Vetrov Ufa (Rose of the Winds) Company. The availability on the territory of Bashkortostan of various mountain ranges, nature reserves, lakes, caves, rivers, natural monuments, natural parks, and a developed system of specially protected natural areas allows the successful development of E.t. and enables these companies to form networks of various tourist and recreation centers.

Publication date: 24.02.2021
Last updated: 31.05.2021