IMPROVISATION is the process of creating a work publicly particularly at the moment of performance in front of the audience. I. is the main way to create works in oral poetic art. The improvised texts were very often based on a melody or a recitative and were accompanied by musical instrumental playing. I. was very common in literature of Turkicspeaking peoples of Middle Ages, Bashkir bakses, yirau and sesens, Nogai keday, Yakut olohkhosuts, Azerbaijan ashugs, Turkmen bakhshi, Kazakh akyns, Russian guslyars, etc. were among them. The main genres were aytysh, kubair, ethnic song, often epic. Improvisers were very active in social spheres of life, they sang about relevant issues and problems of people. Salavat Yulayev was also an improviser, I. was common for Bashkir poets, such as M. Akmulla and M.I. Umetbayev, S. Aminev-Tamyani, S. Babich; R.A. Sultangareyeva, M.B. Yamaletdinov, A. Utyabayev also use I.
M.Kh. Idelbayev