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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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NASIKHAT (from Arabic - instruction, in Bashkir ethnic pedagogy, it is a didactic saying aimed to create a proper attitude in person to the external and internal world, to transfer moral norms, etc. Its idea is close to benevolence. As a rule, N. is transmitted by a person from the elder generation (usually, he is a respected member of society that keeps and observe traditions), a recipient can be represented by one person or by a group of people (a collective). N. includes all spheres of human activities: economy, family, educational etc.; N. are said at the important moments of a person’s life (going to military service, at the moment of giving a name, wedding, etc.) depending on a situation. Some N. become aphorisms, idioms, other are forgotten, no longer used. N. of M.I. Umetbaev, R.F. Fakhretdinov are the most famous.

Many kubairs, munazhats etc. have a didactic nature and appear to be a developed form of N. There are also N.-poems in Bashkir literature. They are represented by anonymous poetry or by different authors, such as Akmulla, S. Babich, Z.A. Biisheva, Mustay Karim, S.S. Yakshigulova and other poets.

R.M. Mukhametzyanov divide Tatar folklore N. into 3 groups: 1) edifications at ceremonies; 2) edifications praising some age particularities of human life; 3) everyday edifications that transfer humanistic, philosophic, moral ideas. All of them have a poetic form and didactic content. They are the most effective genres of ethnic song art.

R.A. Sultangareyeva,  I.K. Fazlutdinov

Publication date: 17.06.2021
Last updated: 30.08.2021