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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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M. AKMULLA PEDAGOGICAL UNI­VERSITY B a s h k i r s t a t e. Founded in 1967 in Ufa. The University’s school of Bashkir Philology has the M. Akmulla room, A.M. Suleymanov research and educational laboratory of ethnography and folklore of the peoples of Eurasia; folk storytelling school of sesen: headed by R.A. Sultangareyeva; students perform Ural-Batyr, Kara-Yurga, Kunyr-Buga”, etc., as well as aityshes, songs, kubairs, khamaks, etc.. In 2010, the summer studio “Aygul Country” was opened to exhibit a sculptural composition of folklore and literary characters. The Institute of Philological Education and Intercultural Communications has a research and educational laboratory “Ethnolinguistics and Intercultural Communication”, a research laboratory for the study of the functioning and development of the native (Tatar) language, literature, and culture in the multi-ethnic space of the RB. Russian Philology students participate in Aksakov holidays and cooperate with the Council of Russians of Bashkortostan. Together with the Congress of Tatarsand the cultural autonomy of Tatars, Kayum Nasyri Institute, it hosts festivals-contests “The lessons of the generations”, “Tukay tunes”, “Belesh-fest”, etc..; it organizes exhibitions of decorative-applied art and crafts of the Tatar people, etc.. Every year, BSPU students take part in the Volga student festival of folk art “National treasure” (Kazan), in research-to-practice conferences devoted to the relevant issues of the humanities, and in folklore expeditions, etc. The BSPU also has the folk-dance ensemble “Kruzheva” (headed by O.L. Andreyeva) and the center for artistic felt (T.Kh. Masalimov).

Publication date: 21.06.2021
Last updated: 23.08.2021