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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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BEE­KEEPING, breeding of bees producing honey, bees wax and other bee-keeping products, also for pollination of entomophilous cultural plants; a branch of livestock breeding, an ancient business of the Bashkirs. In 1997, businesses with all types of ownership had 188.4 thous. bee colonies in total and...


BEE BREEDING AND APITHERAPY CENTRE, Bashkir state‑financed research institution. Located in Ufa. Established in 1998. The Centre is focused on the preservation, selection and reproduction of the Bashkir bee, and the investigation of bee sting therapy methods. It has identified areas with optimal conditions...


BEAR'S HOLIDAY, is a calendar ritual. Its origin is connected with ancient pagan beliefs (see Cults, Totemism). The image of a bear is common for many peoples of the world. Udmurts perform the B.d. dirung Maslenitsa period. Somebody was dressed up in an inside-out fur coat (as an image of a bear) and...


, Deputy of the 1767—69 Ulozhennaya Committee of the Bashkirs of Isetskaya Province. Participant of the Peasant War of 1773—75, Pugachev’s Field Marshal General. He submitted to the Commission a Draft of the Decree on the free exercise of Islam, preservation of the Patrimonial Law of the Bashkirs, reduction...


“BAYT OF THE RUSSIAN‑GERMAN WAR”, “Ba y t   o f  t h e  G e r m a n  w a r”, Bashkir bayt. The poetic text was first written down in 1940 (the author of the writing and the informant are unknown) and published in “Bashkort khayk izhady”. Bayt’s chant has not been preserved. The origin is connected with...


“BAYT OF THE FRENCH WAR”, “ B a y t   o f t h e  F r e n c h  w a r  o f  1 8 1 2”, Bashkir bayt. First registered in 1967 by N.D. Shunkarov in the Verkhniy Muynak village of Zianchurinskiy District of BASSR from Gubaydulla Khamidullin, published (“Bashkir ethnic art. Bayts”; 1978). The work is ironical...


BAYT (from Arab.  “beyt”  –  couplet),  is a Bashkir (beyet) and Tatar (beet) epic, lyro-epic and lyrical genre of folk and ethnic poetry; Chuvashes call it (peyt, peyet) and consider as a kind of a ballad. It can be oral or written and combines features of folklore and literature. B. plots are tragic,...


BAYMAKSKY RAION, located in the SE of the RB. Established on August 20th, 1930, under the name of BaymakTanalyk(ov)sky Raion. Since September 20th, 1933 has its current name. In 1956, part of Matrayevsky Raion territory amalgamated with B.r. Territory — 5,431 km2. Adm. centre — Baymak, which is located...


BAYMAK CASTING AND MECHANICAL PLANT, OAO. Produces various types of pumps and spare parts for them, as well as for ore grinding mills, crushing complexes made of wear­resistant high­chromium  cast  iron.  Founded in 1957 in place of the smelting plant as Baymak Machine­-Building Plant named after Sh....

BAYDAVLYETOV, Rafael Ibragimovich

BAYDAVLYETOV, Rafael Ibragimovich (b.16.8.1943 in Derevnya Brish of Beloretsky Raion of the BASSR), Statesman. Merited Specialist of the Unified Energy System of Russia (2003), Merited Energy Worker of the RB (1993), Merited Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the RF (2003). Awarded with the Order...

BAYBULDIN Ilgam Khannanovich

BAYBULDIN Ilgam Khannanovich (b.22.8. 1973, Saitbaba village, Gafuriyskiy district, RB), quaray player, improviser. National sesen of RB (2018). Honored RB culture worker (2014). Graduated from Ufa college of art (1994), Ufa State Institute of Arts (2000). Since 1994, he has been living and working...


“BAYAS”, is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. The melody is first registered by G.Z. Suleymanov and published in his book “Kuray” (1985). The song is lyroepic. According to the legend, Bayas, the head man of the yurt commune, who lived in the Kuseevo village of Orskiy District (Baymakskiy District of...


“BAY HORSE”, “S l o p e  o f  t h e  b a y h o r s e”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh. First regis­ tered by A.S. Klucharyev in the 1930’s, includ­ed into the handwritten collection called “50 Bashkir ethnic instrumental plays and quaray naigrysh melodies”. Its variants are published in the book “Bashkort...


BAURSAK, traditional dish of Bashkir cuisine. It is made of tight dough the main ingredients of which are eggs and flour (sometimes a little amount of milk). Pieces of sliced dough are fried in a large amount of hot oil or visceral fat. Served with tea. Can be saved for a period of time. It has a special...


BATYRSHA, Gabdulla Galiyev, Gubai­dulla Magzyaldin [born Bahadur­Shah Ali­ uly; ca. 1709 (according to other data, 1717) — 24.7.1762, Schlisselburg Fortress], Ideologist and one of the leaders of the 1755—56 Bashkir Uprising (ref. Bashkir Uprisings of the 17—18th centuries). Since 1734, he studied at...


BATYR (Turkic – hero, strongman, brave man) is a folklore character of Bashkir epics (“Akbuzat”, “Aldar and Zukhra”, “Ural-batyr”) and fairy-tales (“Alp­-batyr”, “Biish­-batyr”, “Kamyr­batyr”) etc. He embodies the ethnic image of an ideal hero. He is extraordinary strong, courageous, dexterous and smart....

BATALOVA, Rima Akberdinovna

BATALOVA, Rima Akberdinovna [b.1.1. 1964 in Selo Sakty of Tuymazinsky Raion of the BASSR (Sharansky Raion of the RB)], Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (ath­ letics) of Russia (1992). Distinguished Athlete of the RB (1994). Awarded with the Order for Personal Courage (1992), the 4th Class Order for...

BATALIN, Yuriy Petrovich

BATALIN, Yuriy Petrovich [28.7.1927, Derevnya Kalkanovo of Tamyan­Kataysky Canton of the BASSR (Uchalinsky Raion of the RB) – 22.7.2013, Moscow], Statesman and Industrialist. Candidate of Engineering Science (1983), Full Professor (1990). Laureate of the Lenin’ Award (1980), USSR Council of Ministers...


BASY, APC, an agricultural enterprise. Specializes in the production and sale of grain, sunflower, sugarbeet, milk and meat. It is also engaged in construction and repair of residential houses, roads, schools, kindergartens, landscaping design. Located in Chekmagushevsky Raion of the RB; the central...


BASHVOLGOTANKER Shipping Com­pany, ZAO (Ufa). Performs the carriage of oil products in the basins of the rivers of the European part of Russia, comprehensive service of transport fleet, and ship repair. The structural divisions of the company are located in Ufa, Samara, Astrakhan, PGT Kamskoye Ustye...