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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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URAL, song

URAL, the Bashk. folk song, uzun‑kyuy. The song was first recorded by M.A.Burangulov in 1915, published in the Bashkort Khalk Yirdary digest recorded by H.F.Akhmetov. Lyric and epic song. In the song, the Ural image symbolizes the Motherland. According to the legend, the emergence of U. goes back to...

URAL, a volleyball team

URAL, a volleyball team. Being set up in Ufa in 1992 it had the name Neftyanik Bashkirii, since 2001 — Neftyanik Bashkortostana, since 2007 has its current name. The team plays in the Russian Championship among men’s super league teams. iit is based at the Dynamo Stadium. U. — the Silver Medalist of...


URAL-TENGRI, a group of companies. Established in 1993 in Selo Kaga of the Beloretsky Raion as an environmental association Tengri. Has its modern name and status since 2016. In company structure there are: OOO Ural‑Tengri (which is a tour operator of ecological tourism in the South Urals and which...


“URAL-BATYR” is an ethnic sesen school n.a. A.S. Gaynullina. Founded in 1994 as a club of young sesens called “U.b.”, which based at Bashkir school № 13, since 2005 was based at the Center of ethnic culture and leisure (both in Sibay c.), in 2015 it received the title “national” from Sibay college of...


“URAL-BATYR”, Bashkir State Academic Drama Theater performance based on the same-titled play by G.G. Shafikov (based on Bashkir ethnic epic “Ural‑batyr”, translated by A. Utyabay into the Bashkir language). It premiered in September 2006. Director – R.M. Khakimov, production designer – E. Gizatullin,...


“URAL-BATYR” a  r e g i o n a l  c o n t e s t  o f  y o u n g  s t o r y t e l l e r s  a n d  p e r f o r m e r s  o f  t h e  e p i c. Initially, it was held on the initiative of the Department of Education of Burzyansky district (Novomunasipovo school in 1996, 1998, and 2000), school No. 13 of Sibay,...


“URAL-BATYR”, a monument of Bashkir literature, epic. The main version (has poem-prose form) was registered in 1910 by M.A. Burangulov from Gabit-sesen and K.K. Almukhametov. The prose version of “U.-b.” was registered by A.I. Kharisov. The epic shows a fantasy world where the characters have superpowers...


URAL-BATYR is a character of Bashkir folklore. He is the younger son of Yanbirde and Yanbike in “Ural-batyr” epic (see First ancestor), the first human (mortal), the antagonist of his elder brother Shulgan. The image of U.-b. includes his different characteristics and actions. However, the positive...


URAL-BATYR, a monumental epic work of Bashkir literature. The basic version (has a combined poetic and prosaic form) was recorded in 1910 by M.A.Burangulov from Gabit­sesen and Kh.Kh.Almukhametov. The prosaic version of U.-b. was recorded by A.I.Kharisov. The events of this epic take place in the fantastic...


URAL MONO, the International Contest Festival of Musical Art of the Turkic Youth. Held since 1992 in Ufa. The key goals: promotion of the modern national musical art of the Turkic youth, preservation of customs, traditions and culture of the Turkic peoples; development of interethnic cultural ties between...


“URAL”, the Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kyuy. The song was first recorded by M.A. Burangulov in 1915, published in the Bashkort Khalk Yirdary digest recorded by H.F. Akhmetov. Lyric and epic song. In the song, the Ural image symbolizes the Motherland. According to the legend, the emergence of U. goes...


URAL, Yaik, river, flows into the Caspian Sea. Length — 2,534 km, basin area — 220 thous. km2. The length of U. in the territory of the RB is 165 km. The basin relief is represented by medium‑altitude mountains, it is dismembered by valleys, the deposits are gold‑bearing. Landscapes are represented...


URAL, Ural Mountains, Ural mountain system, Ural folded region, mountain country, stretched in meridional direction from the coast of the Kara Sea to the latitudinal flow of the Ural River. The length is more than 2,000 km, width is 40—60 km (in some places up to 100 km). In the SW, through the Pai...

URAKSIN, Zinnur Gazizovich

URAKSIN, Zinnur Gazizovich (5.11.1935, Selo Maksyutovo of Orenburg Obl. – 3.3.2007, Ufa), Linguist, Writer, Public Figure. Acad. of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Letters (1976), Full Professor (1983). Merited Scientist of the RF (1996) and BASSR (1984). Awarded with the Order of People’s Friendship (1999)....


UPKANNYKUL (in translation from Bashkir — whirlpool, abyss, lake), a bayou lake in the basin of the Ufa River, a natural monument (1965). Located 2 km W of Derevnya Nimislyarovo of Nurimanovsky Raion. Surface area — 0.1 km2, length — 2.5 km, width — up to 180 m. At high water level, it is connected...


UPKANKUL, a stow, a natural monument (1985). Located in the north part of Pribelsk rolling and wavy plain, on the southern outskirts of Derevnya Upkankul of Askinsky Raion. Territory – 3 ha. It is a lake‑marsh complex: a namesake overflow lake and a swamp. The following plants, included in The Red List...


UNIVERSITIES, higher educational institutions, which implement educational programs of graduate and postgraduate education in a wide range of training areas (specialties); provide training, retraining and (or) advanced training for professionals, scientists and teachers and conduct both fundamental...


“UNITY” a  T u r k m e n  e t h n i c  c u l ­ t u r a l  c e n t e r  i n  B a s h k o r t o s t a n, an NGO established in Ufa in 2001. Maintains contacts with Turkmen communities in other Russian regions. The organization took part in the celebrations of the 450th anniversary of the voluntary annexation...


UNESCO  ASSOCIATED  SCHOOLS, educational  institutions,  which  cooperate with UNESCO and work in support of peace ideas, moral and spiritual values, as well as the study and preservation of cultural and natural heritage, formation of tolerant behavior, etc. Between 2000—18, 37 Schools of the RB received...


UNESCO, an intergovernmental organization. Founded in 1945. The headquarters is located in Paris. It incorporates 193 member-states (2019), including the Russian Federation (1954). Main areas of activity: research in the field of education, science, culture and communications; knowledge exchange; preparation...