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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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MINOR KESHENE, an artifact of history and architecture dating to the 14th century. It is located 1 km to the east of Derevnya Nizhniye Termy of Chishminsky Raion, on the left bank of the Slak River (the basin of the Dyoma River). Described by R.G.Ignatyev, and V.S.Yumatov, studied in the 1950s by B.G.Kalimullin,...


MINOR HUMOROUS GENRES, include an anecdote, an anecdote-riddle, a fable lakap idioms, nebylitsa story, repetitive tales, jokes, foster rhymes, bywords, pleasantries. Anecdote is a folklore genre, a short joke prose story with an unexpected and paradoxical ending. A. satirizes different bad traits of...

MINNULLIN Kim Mugallimovich

MINNULLIN Kim Mugallimovich (b. 4.1. 1959), literary critic, folklorist. Corresponding member of the AS RT (2008), Doctor of Philology (2002), Professor (2006). Research is connected with the study of Tatar song poetry, poetics, and typology of Tatar folklore. M. also used folklore materials recorded...

MINNIYAKHMETOVA Tatyana Gilniyakhmetovna

MINNIYAKHMETOVA Tatyana Gilniyakhmetovna (b.3.1.1961), folklorist, ethnographer. Candidate of History (1996), Doctor of Philosophy (Hungary, 2003). Her research is devoted to folklore and ethnography of the Udmurts, as well as Bashkirs, Mari, Tatars, Estonians of Bashkortostan, development of methods...

MINIBAYEV, Rufil Gafarovich

MINIBAYEV, Rufil Gafarovich (18.9.1931, Derevnya Aybulyak of Yanaulsky Raion of the BASSR – 20.6.2013, Ufa), Botanist and Ecologist. Merited Acad. of the AS RB (1998), Dr.Nat.Sci. (Biological Sciences) (1969), Full Professor (1970). Merited Master of Sciences of the RB (1977), Excellent Worker of Higher...

MINGAZHITDINOVA Mavzifa Magafurovna

MINGAZHITDINOVA Mavzifa Magafurovna (6.9.1901–14.3.1989), a storyteller. She was a connoisseur of Bashkir oral folk art and skilled with words. In the 1960s, M. conveyed to M. Kh. Mingazhitdinov about 30 fairy tales; some of them are included in the set “Bashkort Khalyk Izhady”. The song “Goodbye, my...

MINGAZHITDINOV Marat Khalyafovich

MINGAZHITDINOV Marat Khalyafovich (18.5.1934–2.7.1972), literary critic, folklorist. Candidate of Philology (1964). His research is devoted to the study of epic genres of Bashkir folklore, folklore relationships, the study of the works of Kh. A. Davletshina, Nazar Nadzhmi, and other Bashkir writers....

MINGAZHEV, Gimaletdin Mingazhevich

MINGAZHEV, Gimaletdin Mingazhevich [21.5.1889, Derevnya Idrisovo of Zlatoustovsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Kiginsky Raion of the RB) — 19.9.1955, Ufa], Actor. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1949) and the BASSR (1935), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1944). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1949), Order of the...


“MINEY ­BATYR AND TSAR SHULGEN”, a monument to Bashkir literature, epos. The epos was registered from sesen M.S. Mirkhaydarov’s   private   archive.   He   was   born   in Askarovo the First village, Verkhneuralskiy District, Orenburg region (Askarovo village, Abzelilovskiy Disctrict, RB). The record...


MINERALS, natural bodies of uniform composition and properties, formed as a result of physical and chemical processes on Earth and other planets, a component of rocks. M. are mainly solid, rarely liquid (mercury) and gaseous (natural gases). By abundance, M. can be rock forming, auxiliary (accessory),...


MINERAL SPRINGS, natural surfacing of mineral waters. M.s. are accompanied by the formation of sapropel. In the Bashkir Pre‑Urals, M.s. are associated with the carbonate and sulfate rocks of Perm, less frequently of Carbon; oxygen‑nitrogen brackish waters (1—10 g/l) of sulfate calcium, sulfate‑chloride,...


MINERAL DEPOSITS, natural accumulation of mineral substance on the surface or in the bowels of Earth as a result of certain geol. processes, which in terms of quantity, quality and mining engineering conditions are suitable for industrial development, with a positive economic effect. Oil and gas fields...


“MILYASH”(“Rowan”) is a folklore ensemble of Cultural-leisure center, Abzelilovskiy district, RB. It was created in 2001, received the “national” title in 2003, “Best folklore ensemble of RB” title in 2006, “Honored collective of ethnic art of RF” in 2018. Its repertoire includes Bashkir songs, such...


MILYASH (Ryabina), a folklore ensemble of Selo Askarovo of Abzelilovsky Raion of the RB. Established in 2001. In 2003 it received the title of a folk ensemble, in 2006 – the Best Folklore Ensemble of the RB, in 2018 – Honored Collective of Folk Art of the RF. The repertoire includes the following Bashkir...


MILITARY SERVICE OF THE BASHKIRS, compulsory military service of the Bashkirs based on the regulations of the governments, which ruled in Bashkortostan at the times. In the 1st half of the 10th century (according to other data, in the 1st half of the 9th century) the leader of bashkir tribes Bashgird...


“MILITARY HISTORY OF THE BASHKIRS: ENCYCLOPEDIA”, popular science publication (Ufa, 2013). Editor­-in­-chief A.Z. As­fandiyarov. The chronological framework of the publication covers the period from ancient times to the present. It consists of 2 parts: a monographic essay describing the main milestones...

MIKHAYLOV, Kirill Andreyevich

MIKHAYLOV, Kirill Andreyevich (b.2.4.1983, Derevnya Kayrakovo of Mishkinsky Raion of the BASSR), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (cross‑country skiing) of Russia (2006). Awarded with the 4th Class Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2010), Order of Friendship (2014), Order for Merits to the Republic...

MIKHAYLOV, Kirill Andreyevich

MIKHAYLOV, Kirill Andreyevich (b.2.4. 1983, Derevnya Kayrakovo of Mishkinsky Raion of the BASSR), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (cross‑country skiing) of Russia (2006). Awarded with the 4th Class Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2010), Order of Friendship (2014), Order for Merits to the Republic...

MIKHALYOV, Sergey Mikhaylovich

MIKHALYOV, Sergey Mikhaylovich (5.10.1947, Posyolok Shershni of Chelyabinsk Obl. –21.4.2015, 1599th km of the Moscow–Chelyabinsk Highway, buried in Tolyatti), Coach. Merited Coach of the RSFSR (1987), Master of Sports (ice hockey) of the USSR (1974), Merited Physical Culture Professional of the RB (2007)....

MIKHALYOV, Sergey Mikhaylovich

MIKHALYOV, Sergey Mikhaylovich (5.10.1947, Posyolok Shershni of Chelyabinsk Obl. –21.4.2015, 1599th km of the Moscow–Chelyabinsk Highway, buried in Tolyatti), Coach. Merited Coach of the RSFSR (1987), Master of Sports (ice hockey) of the USSR (1974), Merited Physical Culture Professional of the RB (2007)....