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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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GILMIYAZA, a Bashk. folk song, uzun-kyuy. First recorded by S.G.Rybakov in 1894, published in The Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with an Essay of Their Everyday Life book. The legend and lyrics of the song were recorded by M.A.Burangulov in the 1920s. Presumably, G. was created in the 16th century....


GIDRAVLIKA (Hydraulics) Ufa Aggregate Enterprise, AO. Produces aviation auxiliary power units; small power plants; flexible piping and expansion joints made of titanium alloys, stainless steel and PTFE with titanium braiding; hydraulic, fuel, air, oil filters; components for fuel and hydraulic systems,...

GIBADULLIN Minnitagir Gibadullinovich

GIBADULLIN Minnitagir Gibadullinovich (according to other sources, Gibadatov Tagir Gibatovich; 29.12.1898–19.4.1982), provider of folklore. Participant of the First World War, the Civil War and the Bashkir Movement. Skilled speaker. In the 1970s, G. providedA.M. Suleymanov with about 30 works to be...

GERMASH, Vladimir Mikhaylovich

GERMASH, Vladimir Mikhaylovich (b.25.11.1928, Derevnya Novo-Aleksandrovka of Sterlitamak Canton of the BASSR), Processing Engineer. Merited Chemist of the RSFSR (1988), Merited Oil Industry Worker of the BASSR (1985). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1971), Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1976, 1981)...


GERMAN HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER, public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. It was established in 1998 in the village Prishib in Blagovarsky district of the RB in order to revive and develop the ethnic culture of the Germans, organize cultural and educational activities aimed...

GERASIMENKO, Sergey Andreyevich

GERASIMENKO, Sergey Andreyevich (14.5.1906, Derevnya Guta Muravinka of Oryol Gub. – 17.8.1999, Ufa), Industrialist. Merited Master of Sciences and Technology of the BASSR (1966), Merited Mechanical Engineer of the RSFSR (1979). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1966, 1976), Order of the October Revolution...

GEORGI, Ivan Ivanovich

GEORGI, Ivan Ivanovich (real name Johann Gottlieb; 31.12.1729,Pomerania — 27.10.1802, St. Petersburg), a Тraveller, Еthnographer, Naturalist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (St. Petersburg, 1783). Participant of the Academic Expeditions of 1768—74. Author of the first generalized work...


GEOLOGY INSTITUTE, a stand‑alone structural unit of the Ufa Federal Research Centre, of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UFRC RAS). Located in Ufa. Established in 1951. Main activities: study of the conditions of mineral deposit formation and distribution, stratigraphy of the Ural and the Eastern part...


GEOGRAPHICAL ATLAS, a systematized collection of geographical maps, published in the form of an album or a book. There are atlases of the world, continents, countries (in terms of coverage); general geographic, thematic, complex (in terms of content); educational, tourist, road (for purpose), etc. The...


“GENEROUS EVENING” is a Russian song choir of the musical college in Oktyabrskiy city. It was founded in 1993, received the title “national” in 2003, in 2020 – “Honored collective of ethnic art of RB”. Artistic Director –G.B. Khisayeva. The repertoire includes authentic Russian ethnic songs from Krasniy...


GENATULIN Anatoly [real name Giniatullin Talkha Yumabayevich; 20.4.1925 in Derevnya Urazovo of Tamyan‑Kataysky Canton of the BASSR (now Uchalinsky Raion of the RB) — 7.11.2019, Ibid.]. People’s Writer of the RB (2010). Merited Cultural Sector Professional of the BASSR (1990). Laureate of the Aksakov...


“GEMS OF THE KAMA REGION”  i s  a  f e s t i v a l   o f   e t h n i c   c u l t u r e s   o f   t h e  F i n n o- ­ U g r i c  e t h n i c i t i e s  o f  t h e  R B. It has been held since 1991 in cities (Agidel, Birsk, Neftekamsk, Yanaul) and districts (Kaltasinsky, Krasnokamsky, Mish­ kinsky, Tatyshlinsky)...


GAZPROM TRANSGAZ UFA, OОО. Performs transit transportation of natural gases to the CIS countries and to the countries of Western Europe, gas supply to the consumers of the RB, construction and reconstruction of the gas transmission system of the Republic, maintenance of the facilities of   gas   supply ...


GAZPROM NEFTEKHIM SALAVAT, OOO (Salavat), a subsidiary of OOO Gazprom Pererabotka (St. Petersburg). Produces the products of oil refining (unleaded gasoline, diesel fuel, toluene, bitumen, heavy residue, etc) and petrochemistry (petroleum benzene, polystyrene, polyethylene, butyl alcohols, solvents,...


GAZPROM GAZORASPREDELENIYE UFA, PAO. Performs natural gas transportation to consumers, storage and sale of liquefied gas, construction of gas supply systems and facilities, operation and repair of gas pipelines and structures, manufacture and repair of gas equipment. Founded in 1963 as Bashgaz Production...

GAZIZOV, Yunir Hasanovich

GAZIZOV, Yunir Hasanovich (17.1.1950,  Selo Starosubhangulovo of Burzyansky Raion of the BASSR — 15.5.2006, Ufa), Circus Artist, Aerial Gymnast. People’s (1984) and Merited (1979) Artist of the BASSR. Laureate of the BASSR Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1986). After graduating from the Bashk. Circus...

GAZIZOV, Flus Mirzasalikhovich

GAZIZOV, Flus Mirzasalikhovich (25.6. 1937, Derevnya Semyakovo of the TASSR – 4.2.2008, Sterlitamak), Chemical Technologist. Merited Acad. of the AS RB (1995), D.Sci. (Engineering Sciences) (1993), Full Professor (1995). Merited Chemist of the RF (1993) and the RB (1992). Laureate of the USSR State...

GAZIYEV, Idris Mudarisovich

GAZIYEV, Idris Mudarisovich (b.21.4. 1960, Selo Kurmanayevo of Aurgazinsky Raion of the BASSR), Singer (tenor). Candidate of Sciences (History of Arts) (2009). People’s Artist of the RB (1993) and RT (2002), Merited Artist of the RF (1999) and BASSR (1989). Laureate of the RB State Award named after...

GAYSINA Fanira Faskhetdinovna

GAYSINA Fanira Faskhetdinovna (b. 8.7. 1973), folklorist. Candidate of Philology (2013). Her research is devoted to the ideas, themes, and functions of prohibitions in Bash­kir folk art, including the epics “Akbuzat” and “Ural-Batyr”, mythology and religious folk­ lore of the Bashkirs. Author of more...

GAYNULLINA Asiya Sultanovna

GAYNULLINA Asiya Sultanovna (b.3.9.1955), a carrier of folklore. Performer of munazhats, drawling songs; skilled throat singer (uzmyau), author of a number of kubairs. The founder of the only sesen school in Bashkortostan, the organizer and head of the public organization “Agineider koro” (“Society...