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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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TATAR FOLKLORE in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Includes epic genres (fairytale, legend, lore, bylichka, anecdote), lyro-epic (bayt), lyrical (lyrical song, munazhat, chastushka), aphoristic (proverb, idiom, riddle) as well as the elements of wedding and calendar ceremonial poetry. The genres of ethnic...


TATAR HISTОRICAl AND CULTURAL CENTER o f  t h e  R B, a public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friend ship. It was established in 2018 in Kilimovo village of Buzdyaksky district of the RB in order to safeguard and develop the cultural heritage, language, traditions, and rituals, as well...


“TAUSEN”, a Russian folk ensemble of Bashkir State University and Aksakov Foundation of the Bashkir (Aksakov) branch of the international fund for Slavic writing and culture. It was founded in 1980 by E.V. Yevdokimova. In 1993 it was titled “People’s”. Their song performance is known for originality...


TAZ-BATYR is a folklore character from Bashkir fairytales. People use the name to tease their   younger   brothers   meaning   “a   fool”, “a  simpleton”.  Humorous  fairytales,  such  as “Bald”, “Bald goes shopping”, etc. the character is showed as a kind loser with good motives. His acts do not make...


TEASER is a genre of children's folklore, a short­rhymed poem aimed to vex, irritate or offend somebody deliberately. They are ut­tered in a recitative manner. T. are closely con­ nected with rhymed nicknames which are sort of appendixes to proper names: Vovka­carrot, Yulka­smug (both – Rus.), Khaybul­-Khabysh,...


“TEMYASOVO”  B a s h k i r   h i s t o r i c a l  a n d  c u l t u r a l  c e n t e r, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. It was created in 1994 in the village Temyasovo in order to safeguard and revive customs and traditions, folklore, cultural and historical heritage of the Bashkir in Baymak...


TENGRIANISM (from Turk. tengri – sky, deity, Lord) is a religious belief of the Mongol and Turkic tribes. It appeared, presumably, at the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 1st Millennium BC. T. is based on the belief that the nature has a soul and relative connection with humans (see Animism, Totemism)....


“TEVKELEV” (“Taftilyau”), the Bashkir ethnik song, uzun‑kyuy. First variants of the song were recorded by S.G. Rybakov and published in The Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with an Essay of Their Everyday Life book. Lyric and drama song. Named after A.I. Tevkelev, Major General of the Russian army. The...


THE  PEOPLES  OF  BASHKORTOSTAN: ENCYCLOPAEDIA (2014; Editor-in-chief – F.G.Khisamitdinova), prepared by Scientific Publishing Complex Bashkir Encyclopaedia. It has a theme-alphabetical structure, consists of 2 sections: The Peoples of Bashkortostan are One Family, Ethnology in Bashkortostan. The book...


“THE CRANE SONG” (Syngrau torna), a Bashkir folk melody. For the first time, versions of the legend and its mel­ odies were recorded by S.G. Rybakov and published in the book Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with an Essay on their Life. A lyrical­epic tune. The performance of the melody is preceded by...


THE DANCE THEATRE o f  t h e  S t e r l i t a m a k  P h i l h a r m o n i c.  Created in 1991. The founder and first art director was H.A. Ishberdin. The   repertoire   is   based   on smaller  ballet performances, musically choreographed miniatures and dance. The compositions are mainly based on the...


“THE KHAN’S DAUGHTER”, a Bashkir ethnic song, khalmak-kuy. It was first recorded by N.D. Shunkarov from Salima Suleymanova in 1964 in Islamgulovo village and by S.A. Galin from Asamandiyar Yanyshev in Kultay-Karan village, Alsheyevskiy District, BASSR (both of the villages are in Miyakinskiy District,...


“THE LOOP”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. First registered by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1938, published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection by N.Idelbay. The song is lyro-dramatic. The main theme is social inequality. Performed on behalf of poor people, who respected their human dignity. The distinctive...


“THE ROUTE”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh melody. First registered by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1939 from K. Akhmetzyanov in Beloretsk District, published in “Bashkort khalk yirdary”. The melody resembles a dance-march. The origins of “M.” is connected with military service of the Bashkirs in the 18-19th centuries....


“THE SAZ-RIVER”, “B a n k s  o f  t h e  C h i z h   r i v e r”, “De v a s t a t i o n”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. First registered by A. Yarmikhametov in 1925 in Dengizbayevo village, Samarskaya region. It is published in the “Bashkort aymagy” collection (1929, №7). The song is dramatic. “S.­r.”...


THEATER AND FOLKLORE. Initial forms of theatre were observed in the 6–8 c. in Bashkortostan as a part of rituals, ethnic games, holidays, round dances. The origin and development of theatre is connected with oral ethnic art. Magical actions of Bashkirs and other people of Bashkortostan included theatrical...

To the reader

The territory of the Bashkortostan republic is the place where besides the native people - Bashkirs, more than 100 peoples of different nationalities live. They settled here in different times, but managed to preserve the folklore of their ancestors and add new local features to it. The most significant...


TONGUE-TWISTER is a folklore genre, rhythmized prose or poetic piece of art based on a combination of the sounds, words, phrases which are difficult to pronounce to improve children's speech. T. represents real events of everyday routine; the content is often humorous. Each text is strictly ethnic and...


TOTEMISM is a traditional belief based on the idea that there is a supernatural kinship between a human and his so-called totem: an animal, a plant, less often a natural phenomenon or an inanimate object. The members of a clan or a clan unit, as a rule, were prohibited to hunt the totemic birds or animals,...


TRANSLATIONS OF FOLKLORE TEXTS. The history of folklore identifies Bashkir epic monuments translated into the Russian language: “Kuz-Kurpyach” translated by T.S. Belyayev (1812), “Bashkir mermaid” (“Zayatulyak and Khyukhyku”) in the authors interpretation by V.V. Dal (1843); “Bashkir ethnic fairytales”...