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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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BIOLOGY INSTITUTE, a stand­alone structural unit of the Ufa Federal Research Centre, of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UFRC RAS). Located in Ufa. Established in 1951. Main activities: study of plants, their resources, vegetation communities and soils for the purpose of biological diversity maintenance,...


BIRDS (Aves), a class of vertebrates. There are 28 known orders with about 8600 species. There are 296 species of 18 orders (Ciconiiformes, Passeriformes, Anseriformes, Piciformes, Podicipediformes, Charadriiformes, etc) in the RB. Size and body mass of the B. vary. Migratory, nomadic, non-migratory...


BIRSK  BURIAL  GROUND,  an  ar­chaeological site of the Bakhmutinskaya culture (ref. Archaeological cultures). Dated to be from the 4–8th centuries. Located on the outskirts, south of the town of Birsk on the right bank of the Belaya River. Discovered in 1901 by A.A.Spitsyn, was studied in 1958–60,...


BIRSK MINERAL SPRINGS, Solyoniy Klyuch, a natural monument (1965), located on the right bank of the Belaya River, 4 km S of Birsk; 5 springs are located 10—70 m  from  one  another,  total  flow rate — 56—175 l/s. Medicinal water of medium mineralization (5.85 g/l) is sulfate­ chloride, calcium­sodium;...


BIRSKY, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 20.6 thous. ha in the territory of Birsky Raion. It was organized to restore the populations of game animals (1967). Yellow iris, included in The Red List of the RB, grows in the territory B. The wildlife reserve is inhabited by true otter, European mink,...


BIRSKY RAION, located in the central part of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930. Between 1963—65, B.r. included the territory of Mishkinsky Raion. Territory — 1,717 km2. Adm. centre — Birsk, which is located 98 km NW of Ufa and 50 km NW of Blagoveshchensk Railway Station. Po­ pulation — 16.3 thous....


BISHBARMAK, kullama, traditional dish of Bashkir cuisine. It is made of fresh fatty lamb or horse meat, sometimes with the use of kazy. Meat is boiled and cut into pieces. Salma (the traditional pasta) is boiled in the same broth after the surface fat is removed. Then the meat and the salma are distributed...


BITUMENS, multicomponent mixtures of high­molecular hydrocarbons (oils), resins and asphaltenes of solid, semi­solid or liquid consistency; characterized by high ductility, thermal and frost resistance, ad­hesion. Ishimbay Deposit is the most de­veloped; balance reserves of B., the B. density (983 kg/m3)...


BIZHBULYAKSKY, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 14.5 thous. ha in the territory of Bizhbulyaksky Raion. It was organized to restore the populations of woodchuck and other game animals (1989). The following plants, included in The Red List of the RB, grow here: Stipa pennata, Hedysarum grandiflorum,...


BIZHBULYAKSKY RAION, located in the W of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930. Abolished on February 1, 1963, the territory became part of Belebeyevsky Raion. Newly established on January 13, 1965. Territory — 2,134 km2. Adm. centre — Selo Bizhbulyak, which is located 230 km SW of Ufa and 40 km SE...


BLAGOVARSKY  POULTRY  FARM, ООО. The only industrial enterprise in the RF specializing in pedigree duck breeding. Located in Selo Yazykovo of Blagovarsky Raion. Founded in 1977 as Blagovarskaya Poultry Plant, since 1995 B. Poultry Breeding Farm, since 2000 an affiliated company of Bashkir Poultry Industry...


BLAGOVARSKY RAION, located in the central part of the RB. Established on January 31st, 1935. Abolished on Feb­ ruary 1st, 1963, the territory became part of Chishminsky Raion. Newly established on December 30th, 1966. Territory — 1,688.15 km2. Adm. centre — Selo Yazy­kovo, which is located 70 km W from...


BLAGOVESHCHENSK VALVE PLANT, OAO. It is one of the key manufacturers of teel pipe fittings in the RB and RF. It produces valves (check rotary and spring safety valves, wedge valves, switching devices) using stainless steel, carbon and low alloy steels. Founded in 1756 as Blagoveshchensk Copper-­Smelting...


BLAGOVESHCHENSKY RAION, located in the central part of the RB. Established Aug. 20, 1930. Abolished February 1, 1963. The territory is incorporated into Ufimsky Raion. Newly established on January 13, 1965. Territory — 2,259 km2. Adm. centre — Blagoveshchensk, which is located 42 km N of Ufa and 18...


BLOOD (Kan), a novel. Written in 1933–36 in two volumes. Author: D.Yulty. This sutobiographical work describes the inhuman essence of the First World War. The narration is conducted on behalf of Bulat, the main character of the novel who comes from a poor peasant family. The coming revolutionary events...

BLUMENTHAL, Yuliy Yuliyevich

BLUMENTHAL, Yuliy Yuliyevich (11.8. 1870, Kazan — 1944, Derevnya Kishelga of the Kazakh SSR), Artist, Public Figure. Between 1905—19 and 1922—35, he lived and worked in Ufa: since 1926 – Dir. of the M.V.Nesterov Art Museum and a part­ time teacher at the Bashk. Technical School of Arts. Between 1905—06...


BOARDING SCHOOLS, educational institutions with permanent stay of their students, which are created to assist families in the upbringing of their children, to teach children how to live independently of their parents, as well as and to give social protection and develop their student’s creative abilities. In...

BOLOTIN, Yuri Alexandrovich

BOLOTIN, Yuri Alexandrovich (11.9. 1930, Rabochy Posyolok Tirlyan of Belo­retsky Raion of the BASSR, now Selo Tirlyansky of the same raion of the RB, – 7.8.2002, Sibay), Mining Geological Engineer. Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1978). Laureate of the USSR State Award (1980). After...


BOLSHAYA BASHKIRIYA (the larger Bashkiriya; Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) is the Autonomous Bashkir Republic, formed after the Ufa Gub. territory became part of it. It was formed in 1922 by the Presidium of the Bashkir Central Executive Committee and the Bashkortostan Regional Committee...


BOLSHOY IK, a river, a right tributary of the Sakmara River. It originates 12 km SE of Selo Kananikolskoye of Zilairsky Raion. Length — 341 km, basin area — 7,670 km2. The relief of the basin is strongly dismembered by the erosion network (deep valleys and ravines with narrow watersheds). The eastern...