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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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GRAIN-GROWING, a leading branch of plant growing. It is concerned with the cultivation of cereals and legumes. Grain is a raw material for grain- and flourgrinding and feed mill industry. Grain processing products are used in baking, macaroni, beer brewing, alcohol and other industries, drug manufacture,...


GRAMMAR OF MODERN BASHKIR LITERARY LANGUAGE, monograph (Moscow, 1981). It was created under the leadership of A.A.Yuldashev by a group of linguists of the History, Language and Literature Institute and the Bashkir State University. The first academic normative grammar of the Bashkir language, written...


GRAMMAR OF THE BASHKIR LANGUAGE, monograph by N.K.Dmitrieyv (M. L., 1948). The work was written based on the accomplishments of the Bashkir language studies and Turkology with the utilization of materials of expeditions, folklore and colloquial language. The first work in the Bashkir language studies,...


GRAPE, a plant genus of the Vitaceae family. There are about 70 species known. In Bashkortostan the culture V. is being grown, which is the most significant in farming. Perennial woody liana. The fruit is a round berry of cherry golden green, dark blue colour weighing approx. 2 g. Matures in August—September....


GRAPHICS, a kind of fine arts, including drawings and printed artworks. In Bashkortostan, G. started to develop in the mid. 1920s of the 20th century and is associated with the names of Yu.Yu.Blumenthal (Old Bashkir), K.S.Devletkildeyev (Bashkir Bear Hunter), and M.N.Yelgashtina (Spring Twilight), in...


GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR of 1941–45, the liberation war of the USSR against Germany and its European allies, culminating in their defeat; the most important part of the Second World War. Between 1941–45, more than 700 thous. people from the BASSR served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. Among them, 575 thous....


GROSS REGIONAL PRODUCT, the total amount of income generated by the Regions economy in the process of production. It consists of the amounts of wages, profits, social insurance contributions, depreciation allowances, indirect taxes (less subsidies). The structure of the G.r.p. consists of the production...


GRUIFORMES, an order of birds. There are 13 known families, with 190 species. There are 11 species from crane like, rail and bustard families in the RB. Migratory birds of large (great white crane with body length range of 120–140 cm, and body mass range of 4.9–7.7 kg) and average (bald coots with body...

GUBAYDULLIN, Kamil Gubayevich

GUBAYDULLIN, Kamil Gubayevich (9.12.1949, Ishimbay — 15.7.2017, Ibid.), Graphic Artist. Distinguished Artist of the RF (2004) and BASSR (1997). Laureate of the RB State Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1977). Graduated from the Tashkent School of Art named after P.P.Benkov (1969). Since 1980, he lived...

GUBAYDULLIN, Mansur Sadykovich

GUBAYDULLIN, Mansur Sadykovich (29.11.1920, Derevnya Alsheyevo of Belebeyevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Rayevsky of Alsheyevsky Raion of the RB – 10.12.2008, Ufa), Economist. Merited Acad. of the AS RB (1996), Dr. of Economics (1978). Merited Master of Sciences of the BASSR (1976). After graduating...

GUBAYDULLIN, Minnigali Habibullovich

GUBAYDULLIN, Minnigali Habibullovich [28.10.1923 (according to other data, 8.3.1921), Derevnya Urshakbashkaramaly of Belebeyevsky Canton of the BASSR (Miyakinsky Raion of the RB) – 8.3.1944, approx. Selo Dudchany of the Ukr. SSR], Hero of the Soviet Union (1944). Guard Lieutenant (1943). Participant...


GUBERNIYA, a name of an administrative and territory unit in Russia between 18th — early 20th centuries. Established by the Decree of December 18th 1708, G. were divided into uyezds and between 1719—80 — into guberniyas. G. were headed by governors. In 1775—96, G. were transformed into Namestnichestvos....


GUEST HOUSE (Gostiny Dvor), an architectural monument of the middle 19th – early 20th century located in Ufa (1, Verkhnetorgovaya square). It was built between 1825– 67 as a project of a St. Petersburg architect A.I.Melnikov. It is a single storey stone building made in the style of classicism. Thanks...

GUMEROV, Asgat Galimyanovich

GUMEROV, Asgat Galimyanovich (b.15.8. 1937 in Selo Starobaishevo of Dyurtyulinsky Raion, BASSR), Mechanical Engineer. Acad. of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Engineering (1984), Full Professor (1986). Merited Scientist of the RF (1997) and BASSR (1974), Merited Worker of the RF Fuel and Energy Ministry (1997),...

GUSMANOV, Uzbek Gusmanovich

GUSMANOV, Uzbek Gusmanovich (13.8. 1935, Derevnya Taimurzino of Dyurtyulinsky Raion of the BASSR – 25.9.2016, Dyurtyuli), Economist. Associate Member of the RAAS (1997), Acad. of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Economics (1988), Full Professor (1991). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (1994) and BASSR (1984)....


GYMNASIUMS, secondary general education institutions with advanced study of mainly humanitarian and philological subjects. In Bashkortostan, Ufa Men’s Gymnasium was opened in 1828. In 1865 — Mariinskaya Women’s Gymnasium. In 1899 — Ufa Second Women’s Gymnasium. In 2000, in the RB there were 68 G., in...


HANDWRITTEN BOOK, a monument of book culture; a book or a sheet written by hand. The H.b., found in the territory of Bashkortostan, date back to the 16th — early 20th centuries; most of them are written in the Turki of the Ural‑Volga Region. Among the H.b. of religious content (the lists of Koran and...


HARNESS, equipment for a horse used for horseback riding or cargo transportation. The Bashkir tradition of H. manufacturing was conditioned by the needs of nomadic economy, the formation and development of soldiering (ref. Bashkirs’ Military service). Wood, leather, and metal were widely used for the...


HEAD OF THE RB, the highest official of the RB. Represents the Republic in relations with the President of the RF, the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the RF, the Government of the RF, other federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of constituent entities...


HEALTH RETREAT CENTERS, the healthcare institutions, providing predominantly natural treatments making use of the climate, mineral waters, mineral muds, etc, physiotherapy, dietetic therapy, physical exercises, pharmacological and other types of treatment, and rest regimen. There are H.r.c. of general...