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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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PEAR, a plant genus of the Rosaceae family. There are about 60 species known. In the RB the Ussuri P. is being grown in all the agricultural zones. Winter resistent, reproduced by grafting. The highest yield — 150 Cwt/ha (Kushnarenkovskoe Experimental Production Farm, 2009). Fruits are used fresh and...


PEASANT (FARMER) FARM, a union of individuals jointly executing agricultural production activities. In the Republic, there are 6,100 P.(f.)f., their agricultural land area being 692.3 thous. ha (2016). The P.(f.)f. participation rate in the total output increased from 1.1% (2000) to 9.3% (2015). High...


PEASANT INSURGENCY OF 1918–21, anti‑Bolshevik peasants uprisings caused by discontent with the policy of the Soviet power, particularly introduction of rigid centralization to the national economy. In Ufa Gub., the first uprisings took place between March—April 1918, in Birsky Uyezd, which was severely...


PEASANT LAND BANK, monument of history, architecture and urban planning of the beginning of the 20th century. Located in Ufa (14 Sovetskaya Street). Built by architect Drucker in 1906 (or, according to other data, in 1908 and possibly 1912). It is a two‑story brick building of eclectic style with modern...


PEASANT REFORM OF 1861, a reform that abolished serfdom in Russia. In Ufa, the Manifesto on Reform was announced on March 15th, 1861. In Orenburg Gub. personal freedom and property rights were received by landlords peasants (137.4 thous. people), peasants of private mining plants (137.8 thous. people)...


PEASANT WAR OF 1773—75 (Pugachyov Uprising, the 1773—75 Civil War) is Russia’s largest movement of the masses of people in the Middle and Lower Volga, the Southern Urals and Western Siberia territories. Caused by the strengthening of feudal oppression, violation of the South‑Eastern territories population’s...

PEKARSKY, Pyotr Petrovich

PEKARSKY, Pyotr Petrovich [19.5.1827, Seltso Otrada of Ufa Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now within the limits of Ufa, — 12.7.1872, Pavlovsk], a historian, bibliographer. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg (1868), Dr.Sci (Russian History,1872). Actual State Counsellor. Graduated...


PELICANS (Pelecanus), a phylum of birds of Pelecanidae or Steganopodous family. There are 6 species throughout the globe. In the RB there are Dalmatian P. and Pink P. P. have body length range of 160–180 cm (140–175 cm for Pink P.), and body mass up to 14 kg. They eat fish. In the 1940s, the Dalmatian...


PEOPLE’S ARMED LAW ENFORCEMENT TROOPS (PALET), detachments of the Red Guard in the South Urals. Formed by the Ufa Council of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies in the Summer–Autumn period of 1917. They were first named workers’ militia druzhinas (detachments), whose task was to protect law and order in...


PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY OF THE RB, public organization established to preserve and strengthen international harmony in the RB and the Russian Federation. Located in Ufa. Founded in June 2000, by the World Kurultay (Congress) of Bashkirs, Russians Assembly of Bashkortostan, Tatars Congress of Bashkortostan...


PEOPLES OF BASHKORTOSTAN. The territory of the modern Bashkortostan in ancient times and the Middle Ages was inhabited by Indo‑Iranian, Finnougric and Turkic tribes. Those, to a varying degree, influenced the formation of ancient Bashkir tribes. The first mention of the Bashkirs living on the terr....


PERENNIAL GRASSES, a group of grasses of Poaceae and Fabaceae families, growing in one location for a number of years. Fabaceae perennial grasses are represented by clover, medick, esparcet, galega, etc. The cereal perennial grasses include quack grass, brome, meadow grass, foxtail, fescue, timothy,...


PERINATAL CENTRE, the largest republican clinical maternity obstetric institution in the RB providing full set of specialized medical services, including hightech obstetric care for women in childbirth, newborns, pregnant women and women willing to get pregnant. Was formed in 2018 by the merge of the...

PEROVSKY (Perovsky March)

PEROVSKY (Perovsky March), 1) Bashk. folk tune. First recorded by K.B.Schubert and published in The Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with an Essay of Their Everyday Life book. Dancing and marching tune. The P. appeared in the 1853 military campaign under the command of V.A.Perovsky to the Ak-Mechet...

PEROVSKY, Vasily Alekseyevich

PEROVSKY, Vasily Alekseyevich (9.2.1795, Selo Pochep of Chernigov Gub. — 6.12.1857, Poselok Alupka of Tavricheskaya Gub., buried in Balaklava of Tavricheskaya Gub.), State and Military Leader. Adjutant General (1833), Cavalry General (1843). Count (1855). Awarded with the Order of St. Andrey Pervozvanny...


PERVOMAYSKY, spruce and fir forests of the Ufa Plateau, landscape wildlife reserve of area 1.7 thous. ha at the border of Nurimanovsky Raion of the RB and Chelyabinsk Oblast. It was organized to protect and study relict broadleaf and dark coniferous forests (1968). It is located in the south-east p....


PET-­TECHNOLOGY, a federal network of nuclear medicine centers. It specializes in diagnostics and treatment of oncologic diseases and production of radiopharmaceuticals. The network utilize the PET/CT-scanning (positron-emission tomography combined with computer tomography) and the Cyber-Knife robotized...


PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY,  a  manufacturing industry, in which production processes are based on the petrochemical synthesis of products. Includes the production of synthetic rubber, the products of basic organic synthesis, black carbon, rubber‑asbestos and tire industry. The hydrocarbons of oil and gas...


PETROLEUM DISTILLATION, separation into fractions (distillates) with different steaming-away temperature intervals for the production of petroleum products and their components. O.r. is involved in the process flowsheets of all the refineries: ELOU-AVT plants are in operation at Ufimsky (capacity 6...


PETROLEUM PROCESSING. RB is a leading scientific centre for the development of technologies, hardware design and implementation of the most processes of O.r. in the RF and other countries. RB ranks the 6th in oil production in the RF and is the leader in the volume of O.r. and production of light oil...