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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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PETROLEUM REFINING AND PETRO­ CHEMISTRY INSTITUTE of the RB, GUP. Located in Ufa. Established in 1956. Main activities: development of integrated systems for oil and gas liquid refining; oil and associated gas treatment; oil and gas liquid rectification; low capacity petroleum refining facilities; catalytic...

PETROV, Boris Ilyich

PETROV, Boris Ilyich (28.8.1929, Derevnya  Bazhenovka  of  the  Belebeyevsky Canton of the BASSR, now Selo Bazhenovo of Belebeyevsky  Raion  of  the  RB,  — 23.8.2004, Ufa), Industrialist. Candidate of Economics (1973). Hero of Socialist Labour (1971). Merited Agronomist of the BASSR (1966), Excellent...


PHARMACIES, the healthcare institutions that manufacture, store and dispense drugs, hygiene products and other medical supplements. In 1787 the first private P. owned by B.Miller was opened in Ufa, in 1807 – government-owned. The development of pharmacy network and pharmacy as a field of economy was...


PHARMANS No.1 and No.2 of November 11th and 15th, 1917, the orders of the Bashkir Central Shuro. Due to the overthrow of the Provisional Government and absence of legitimate central authority Ph.No.1 announced the acceptance of the administrative functions over the Malaya (thе Smaller) Bashkiriya territory...


PHENOLIC ANTIOXIDANTS, phenolbased compounds that inhibit or prevent oxidizing processes. The only production of Ph.a. in the RF was mastered at the Sterlitamak Oil Refinery. 10 types of Agidol and Alkofen brands are manufactured utilizing 2,4-ditret-butyl, 2,6-ditret-butyl and methylbenzylphenols to...


PHILARMONIAS, state concert organizations mainly established to promote the musical art. In Bashkortostan the first philharmonic institution was the Bashkir Philharmonia. Sterlitamak Philharmonia state-owned. Opened in 1991 as a municipal P., since 1996 — state-owned P., since 2013 — became a part...


PHONETIC SYSTEM of the Bashkir language, the total of speech sounds, characterized by common and distinguishing features as compared to the sound system of related and unrelated languages. There are. 9 vowels in the vocalism of the Bashkir language. The sounds [а] and [ы] remained unchanged; the other...


PHONETICS OF THE BASHKIR LANGUAGE, monograph by D.G.Kiyekbayev (in the Bashkir language; Ufa, 1958; 2nd ed. 2002). The seminal work is devoted to the study of the phonological and phonetic systems of the Bashkir language in comparison with other Turkic languages in the descriptive and comparative historical...


PHOTO ART, a form of visual art, created by photography. The earliest preserved photographs which captured Bashkir nomadic lifestyle and the views of Ufimsky Uyezd, date back to the late 1860s. In the late 19—20th century, the photographer S.M.ProkudinGorsky, who produced the first colour photographs,...


PICIFORMES, an order of birds. There are 6 known families with about 400 species. There are 7 P. families in the RB. Non migratory, nomadic and migratory birds of small (small woodpecker with body length up to 18 cm and body mass of about 32 g) and average (black woodpecker with body length up to 49...


PIG BREEDING, a branch of livestock breeding. In 2016, in Bashkortostan, businesses of all categories had 430.1 thous. pigs in total: agricultural businesses – 364 (84.8%), peasant (farmer) farms – 10.9 (2.5%), homesteads — 54.7 (12.7%). In the Republic, pedigree swine are bred at Roshchinsky Sovkhoz,...


PILOT Research Institute of Technical Systems, OOO. Located in Ufa. Established in 1992. Main activities: research, development, testing and engineering works in the sphere of geo-navigation, telemetry, automation of moving object control systems for various media with wire and wireless communication...


PIPELINE TRANSPORT, a type of transport, performing the transfer of liquid, gaseous or solid products through pipelines. Depending on the purpose and location, there is trunk P.t. (gas pipelines, oil pipelines, oil product pipelines) and industrial P.t. (process pipelines). P.t. also includes municipal...


  PLACER AND ORE GOLD, 1) mineral of the class of native elements, Au; 2) natural mineral formations containing gold in the quantities, which make it economically expedient to be extracted with the help of modern industrial methods. Placer gold is found in the form of natural alloys with silver (up...


PLAIN STEEL  WIRE.  Production  of plain steel wire, both galvanized and uncoated, is carried out by the Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant (Bashkortostan). The RB is  ranked  number  two  (20.5%) among Russian P.s.w. manufacturers (2016).  ...


PLAINS, areas of land, seabed and ocean floor, characterized by weak dismemberment and low absolute elevations. The following types of P. are distinguished on land: by height — lowland (up to 200 m), elevated (up to 500 m), highland (above 500 m); by surface shape — flat, wavy, rolling, hilly, etc;...


PLANETARIUM, Ufa Scientific and Educational    Institution, where  images  of  the starry sky and space objects are projected onto a hemispherical screen (dome) using optical-mechanical projectors and digital technologies; lectures and audio/ video programs about the Earth and the Universe are also...


PLANT GROWING, a branch of agriculture concerned with cultivation of crops for further manufacture of horticultural products (human food products, fodder for livestock breeding, raw materials for various branches of industry). It includes the following branches: field crop production, vegetable growing,...


PLANT SELECTION, the breeding of plant varieties and hybrids; a branch of agronomy. The main direction is to increase yield, quality of products, resistance to frost, drought, salt, disease, pests and herbicides, ecologic plasticity, responsiveness to fertilizers, etc. Since the beginning of the 20th...

PLECHEV, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich

PLECHEV, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich (b.18.9.1949 in Ufa), Surgeon. Acad. of the AS RB (2018), Dr.Sci (Medical Sciences) (1990), Full Professor (1991). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (1999), Merited Doctor of the RF (2010) and RB (1995), Excellent Worker of Public Health of the RB (2007). Laureate...