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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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PODICIPEDIFORMES, an order of birds. There is 1 known family with about 20 species. There are 4 species in the RB. Migratory birds are of average sizes (body length range of 28–50 cm, and body mass range of 200–1500 g), the males are bigger. They feed on aqueous invertebrates, some P. eat small fish....


POISONOUS ANIMALS, the organisms that contain substances, which are poisonous for other species. There are about 5000 P.a. species known, their poisoning capacity depends on age, gender, nutrition, etc. P.a. pollinate plants (bees, bumblebees), regulate number of agricultural and forest crops pests,...


POISONOUS PLANTS, the species of flora, which produce and accumulate toxic substances, which can cause poisoning of humans and animals. In the RB they can be found among Pterophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Gymnospermae and Angiospermae. They are widespread in such families as Umbellíferae, Liliaceae,...

POLAK, Alexey Filippovich

POLAK, Alexey Filippovich (4.6.1911, Tiflis — 31.7.1990, Ufa), Civil Engineer. Dr. of Engineering Science (1965), Full Professor (1968). Merited Master of Sciences and Technology of the RSFSR (1980) and BASSR (1974). Laureate of the USSR State Award (1984). Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of...


POLITICAL PARTIES, public associations with the purpose of participation in the political life. Political parties also determine the political course of the state. P.p. express their members and supporters political will, participate in political actions, elections, referendums, exercise of power through...


POLITICAL REPRESSIONS were carried out in the USSR in the 1930s – early 50s on charges of political crimes against individual citizens, social groups, classes and peoples; carried out by state bodies. In Bashkortostan, 25.5 thous. farms were dispossessed (ref. Kulaks), 22.5 thous. peasants were repressed...


POLITICAL REPRESSIONS VICTIMS ASSOCIATION OF THE RB, public association established to protect the rights, dignity and interests of persons subjected to political purges and subsequently rehabilitated citizens and their relatives. Located in Ufa. Established in April, 1991. Member of the Russian Association...


POLYEDRON, ZAO. Produces approx. 300 models of leather haberdashery made of artificial and genuine leather: women's and men's bags, sports bags, schoolbags, folders, backpacks, business card holders, belts, small leather goods. Founded in 1940 as Ufa Haberdashery Factory, since 2011 has its current...


POLYEF, AO (Blagoveshchensk). Produces polyethylene terephthalate. It is the only manufacturer of purified terephthalic acid in Russia. In 1991, the construction of Bash. Polyether Complex Himvolokno was started; in 1992, it was transformed into CAO Batex, the construction was suspended in the same...


POLYETHYLENETEREPHTHALATE, thermoplastic, polyester terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. P.t. production using solid‑phase catalytic polycondensation of terephthalic acid with liquid ethylene glycol technology was mastered in Bashkortostan in 2008 at the Polief Plant. Used for the manufacturing of...


POLYGRAPHIC INDUSTRY, an industry for the production of various types of printed materials (newspapers, books, magazines, letterheads, calendars, etc) and stationeries (exercise books, notebooks, etc). In Ufa, printing houses were opened in 1801 by the decree of Yekaterina II, and in the late 60s —...

POMYKALOV, Ildar Valeryevich

POMYKALOV, Ildar Valeryevich (b.9.6. 1971 in Ufa), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (athletics) of Russia (2000). Distinguished Athlete of the RB (1997). Awarded with the Order of Honour (2006), Order of Friendship (2002), Order for Merits to the Republic of Bashkortostan (2000), Order of Salavat Yulayev...


POPKOVSKIYE LAKES, a stow, a natural monument (2003). Located 2 km S of Derevnya Vozdvizhenka of Khaibullinsky Raion. Territory – 10 ha. It includes 2 dried lakes. The landscapes are represented by forests (birch, aspen), bushy steppes and alkaline meadows. The following plants grow here: Paeonia hybrida...


PORT­ARTUR, a Bashk. folk song, kyska-kyuy. First recorded by G.Z.Suleymanov in 1938, published in the Bashkort Khalk Yirdardary digest. Drama song. According to a legend, composed by the Bashkirs who participated in the defense of the Port-Arthur fortress during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904—05. The...


POULTRY FARMING, a process of raising domesticated birds; a branch of livestock breeding. In Bashkortostan, P.f. began developing as an industry in the 1920s. The following farms function in the RB: Ashkadarskaya, Bashkirskaya, Tuymazinskaya, Turbaslinskiye Broilery, Ufimskaya, Jubileynaya. In 2016,...

POVARISOV, Sufiyan Shamsutdinovich

POVARISOV, Sufiyan Shamsutdinovich [29.8.1924 in Derevnya Tupeyevo, Belebeyevsky Canton of the BASSR (now Ilishevsky Raion of the RB) — 3.7.2016 in Ufa]. People’s Writer of the RB (2011). Dr.Sci (Philology,1991), Full Professor (1993), Merited Scientist of the RB (1992) and the Republic of Tatarstan...


PRIBELSK  ROLLING  AND  WAVY PLAIN,  stretched  from  the  latitude  of Sterlitamak to the mouth of the Belaya River. In the NE it borders on Ufa Plateau, in the E — on the marginal ridges of the South Urals, in the S and in the W — on Belebey Upland. Abs. alt. in the N — 60—260 m, S — 200—310 m. Relief...

PRIBYLOV, Vladimir Vasilyevich

PRIBYLOV, Vladimir Vasilyevich [28.12. 1934, Derevnya Lyakhovo of Belebeyevsky Raion of the BASSR (Ermekeyevsky Raion of  the  RB)  —  5.12.2006,  Ufa],  Actor. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1982) and BASSR (1978), Merited Artist of the BASSR (1973).  After  graduating  from  the  Ufa School of Arts...


PRIPUSHCHENNIKS, a term which refers the Bashkir social structure. It meant a category of population that was formed on the basis of the Bashkir patrimonial land tenancy. P. concluded written agreements with the Bashkir holders of patrimonial estate (the pripuskniye records on land use conditions)....


PRIVATE MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS. There are about 100 active P.m.i. in the RB. Among them MEGI Network of Clin ics, Cardioneurological Centre, Mat i Ditya, Profilakticheskaya Meditsina, Bud Zdorov, Medservis, SemYa, Lazer i Zdorovye, Medical On Group, Impuls, Modern Phlebology Clinic, etc.