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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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RAKHIMOV, Murtaza Gubaydullovich

RAKHIMOV, Murtaza Gubaydullovich (b.7.2.1934 in Derevnya Tavakanovo of Kugarchinsky Raion of the BASSR), Statesman. Merited Innovator of the RSFSR (1974), Merited Oil Industry Worker of the BASSR (1977). Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1986), Order of Peoples’ Friendship (1994),...

RAKHMANKULOV, Dilyus Lutfullich

RAKHMANKULOV, Dilyus Lutfullich (20.8.1939, Selo Novo‑Musino of Chkalov Obl. – 9.8.2008, Ufa), Organic Chemist. Acad. of the AS RB (1991), D.Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1975), Full Professor (1976). Merited Master of Sciences and Technology of the BASSR (1980). After graduating from the UPI (1962) he...

RAKHMANOV, Talgat Lutfullovich

RAKHMANOV, Talgat Lutfullovich [15.7. 1920, Derevnya Abdullino of Birsky Canton of the BASSR (Ilishevsky Raion of the RB) – 24.8.2010, Selo Verkhneyarkeyevo of Ilishevsky Raion], Industrialist. Hero of Socialist Labour (1966). Merited Worker of the Agricultural Sector of the RB (1995), Outstanding Employee...

RAKHMATULLIN, Albert Ravilevich

RAKHMATULLIN, Albert Ravilevich (b.20.8.1986, PGT Zirgan of Meleuzovsky Raion of the BASSR), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (Belt Wrestling) of Russia (2014). A trainee of the Youth Sports School of the Meleuzovsky Raion (Coaches: D.B.Bikbulatov, F.Kh.Gaynetdinov). The World (2011–14) and Russian...

RAKHMATULLIN, Shamil Rakhmanovich

RAKHMATULLIN, Shamil Rakhmanovich (1.9.1930, Derevnya Pashnya of Tomsk Obl. — 22.4.2001, Ufa), an Actor. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1991), the BASSR (1976) and the RT (2000), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1979) and the BASSR (1966). Graduated from Bashkir Theatre Art School (1952), GITIS (1959). Between...

RALL, Yury Fyodorovich

RALL, Yury Fyodorovich (17/29.3.1890, Ufa— 16.9.1948, Leningrad), Military Leader. Vice Admiral (1941). Awarded with the 3rd Class with swords and bow and 4th Class Order of St. Anna, the 2nd Class and 3rd Class Order of St. Stanislav, Order of Lenin (1945), Order of the Red Flag (1942, 1944, 1944),...


RAMI GARIPOV BOARDING GYMNASIUM NO.1, a Bashkir Republican Gymnasium. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1944 as Bashk. Secondary Boarding School No.9 for orphans, children of veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War. Since 1994, has been named after BSSR People’s poet, R.Ya.Garipov. There are: Garipov,...


RARE ANIMAL SPECIES, the endangered species. R.a.a. are excluded from commercial use, hunting and extermination are prohibited, they require protection of the Government and are Red listed. In the territory of the RB animals are considered rare due to their isolated habitats (steppe viper, medicinal...


RARE PLANT SPECIES, species having a limited number of populations or few representatives in part of or the whole area of growth. R.p.s., which require protection by the government, are red listed, excluded from commercial use, while the destruction of their habitats is prohibited. Most of the R.p.s....

RASULEV, Zainulla Kh.

RASULEV, Zainulla Kh., Zaynulla bin Khabibulla bin Rasul [20.3. (according to other data, 25.3.) 1833, Derevnya Sharipovo of Troitsky Uyezd of Orenb. Gub. (now Uchalinsky Raion of the RB) — 2.2.1917, Troitsk] was a public and religious leader, Sufism worshipper, ishan and educator. Member of the Nakshbandiya...

RAYANOV, Fanis Mansurovich

RAYANOV, Fanis Mansurovich (b.12.12. 1938 in Selo Taktagulovo of Bakalinsky Raion of the BASSR), Legislator. Associate Member of the AS RB (1995), Dr. of Laws (1982), Full Professor (1983). Merited Scientist of the BASSR (1984). Awarded with the Order for Merits to the Republic of Bashkortostan (2018)....


REHABILITATION CENTERS, the organizations that provide physical, psychological, social and moral recovery to people, who have suffered disabling diseases of the neural system, musculoskeletal system, sensory organs, etc. They also provide care for individuals with psychic and behavioral disorders. There...

REKHMUKOV, Farid Izmailovich

REKHMUKOV, Farid Izmailovich (17.8. 1926, Astrakhan — 13.12.2005, Ufa), an architect. Merited architect of the RSFSR (1974). Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honour (1971). After graduating from the Moscow Architectural School (1948) lived and worked in Moscow, and since 1949, in Petrozavodsk....


RELICTS, the species of organisms, which are part of flora and fauna of the given territory and also remnants of the past eras. In the Republic, there are R.s. among flowering plants (more than 80 species), naked‑seeded plants (savine juniper), fern‑like plants (Alpine woodsia, Dyke’s bladderpod), and...


RELIGION, a form of social consciousness, behavior and cult, characterized by the belief in the existence of supernatural forces, one or more gods. There are theological (confessional), philosophical, sociological, psychological, mythological, linguistic, and other concepts in religion. The structure...


REPTILES (Reptilia), a class of vertebrates. There are 4 orders (rhynchocephalia, crocodiles, turtles and squamous) with more than 7800 species. In the RB there are 10 types of turtle and squamous orders. Their bodies have length range of 25–150 cm, and an elongated form. Lizards have compressed bodies,...


REPUBLIC BURN CENTRE, the structural unit of the Municipal Clinical Hospital No.18. It was established in 1966 and was one of the first such centers in the USSR. The Centre consists of Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Care, Admission and Diagnostics Department and Burn Unit. Provides complex...


REPUBLICAN CENTRE OF SOCIAL SERVICES. It provides support in realization of legal rights and interests to families, children and citizens in hardship, support in improving their social and material well-being, as well as psychological condition. Founded in Ufa in 2016. Consists of departments of Analysis...


REPUBLICAN CHILDREN’S CLINICAL HOSPITAL, a multifunction pediatric clinic for provision of therapy and consultations for the children of the RB. The hospital also provides instructional support to the administration of the republican pediatric service. It is the training centre for healthcare workers...


REPUBLICAN CLINICAL HOSPITAL NO.2. Provides medical care to government employees of the RB, as well as specialized inpatient treatment to children with neurological disorders. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1949. It consists of the unified polyclinic, which receives 600 visits daily, the adult inpatient...