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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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TASH-OY, Tash-Yort (in translation from the Bashkir — “stone house”), cave, a natural monument (1985). Located on the right slope of the Ryauzyak River, 5.5 km SE of Derevnya Sargaevo of Ishimbaysky Raion. Length – 117 m, aver. width – 5,5 m, aver. height – 3.0 m, area – 496 m2, volume – 1,500 m3. The...


TASHTUGAY MOUNTAINS (in translation from Bashkir, literally, “rocky meadow”), a stow, a natural monument (2003). Territory – 12 ha. Located on the right bank of the Tanalyk River, 3 km E of Derevnya Adel of Khaibullinsky Raion. The landscapes are represented by stony and shrubby steppes on organogenic...


TASTUBA (in translation from Bashkir “таҙ” means “bald”, “түбә” — “top”), Bolshaya Tastuba, a residual mountain, a natural monument (1985). Located between Selo Tastuba and Selo Voznesenka of Duvansky Raion. Abs. alt. — 403.7 m. T. is a part of the Pre-Ural sea paleo reef of early Perm. Dianthus acicularis,...


TATARS (self-identified as “Tatars”), a people, the dominant population of Tatarstan. There were 1,000.9 thous. T. in the RB in 2010: Ufa (286.4 thous. p.), Sterlitamak (64.3 thous.) Neftekamsk (41.7 thous.) Oktyabrsky (41.3 thous.), Tuymazy (30.9 thous.), Dyurtyuli (20 thous.), Chishminsky (28.6 thous.),...


TATARS CONGRESS OF BASHKORTOSTAN, a public organization established to preserve and develop national culture, language and literature of the Tatars living in the RB. Located in Ufa. Established in 1997, at the 1st Congress of the Tatars of Bashkortostan. T.C.B. is one of the founders of the World Congress...


TATIGAS-BIY (? – 1565), Leader of the Bashkir Yurmaty tribe. He led the Yurmaty Bashkirs on to battle the Nogay Murza princes. According to The Yurmaty tribe Shezhere, in 1554 T.-b., together with Karmysh et al., held the negotiations for the accession of the Yurmaty people to Russia (ref. Accession...


TATYSH, a bayou lake in the basin of the Belaya River, a natural monument (1965). Located near Selo Starotatyshevo of Ilishevsky Raion. Surface area — 0.38 km2, length — approx. 4 km, max. width — 360 m. Without outlet. Schoenoplectus lacustris, Typha latifolia, arrowhead, etc grow on the shore, as...


TATYSHLINSKY RAION, located in the N of the RB. Established on January 31, 1935. Abolished on February 1, 1963, the territory became part of the Yanaulsky Raion. Newly established on December 30, 1966. Territory — 1,376 km2. Adm. centre — Selo Verkhniye Tatyshly, which is located 209 km N of Ufa and...


TAVAKAN, GUSP. Located in Kugarchinsky Raion, the central farm is in Derevnya Tavakanovo. Founded in 2002 in place of Kyzyl Bayrak Collective Farm. It comprises: a dairy farm (including a nucleus farm for cattle of Simmental and black and white breeds), fattening unit; houses of: formula forage, seed...


TAVAKAN, GUSP. Located in Kugar- chinsky Raion, the central farm is in De- revnya Tavakanovo. Founded in 2002 in place of Kyzyl Bayrak Collective Farm. It compris­es: a dairy farm (including a nucleus farm for cattle of Simmental and black and white breeds), fattening unit; houses of: formula forage,...

TAYANOVICH, Veniamin Igorevich

TAYANOVICH, Veniamin Igorevich (b.6.4.1967 in Ufa), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (swimming) of Russia (1992). A trainee of the Specialist Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve No.18 (Coaches: O.V.Mikhaylova, N.P.Samoylov), between 1985–92 he played for the Sports Club of the Army...


TECHNICAL CROPS, the cultivated plants used as raw materials for various industries. T.c. include oil crops, sugar (sugar beet, etc), amyliferous (potatoes, etc), essential oil (mint, muscat sage, etc.), textile (hemp, flax, etc), dyeing (black mallow, henna, etc), tanning (oak, pine, larch, etc), rubber-bearing...


TECHNOGENIC-MINERAL DEPOSITS, accumulations of mineral substances on the surface of Earth or in mining workings, formed as a result of their separation from the mass in the course of mining and as a result of mining, processing, metallurgical and other plant operations waste storage . T.m.d. is the...


TECHNOPLEX PLANT, OOO (Uchaly). Produces bitumen and bitumen polymer roofing and waterproofing materials. It was put into operation in 1975 as Uchaly Cardboard and Ruberoid Plant, since 1991 – K., since 2006 – its current name....


TEKHNIKUMS, both secondary and vocational educational institutions for training specialists in various industries, as well as health care, culture and education. Created in the 1920s. Since the 2nd half of the 1930s many T. had been transformed into uchilishche. Since the early 1990s — into colleges....


TELEVISION FILM, is a film created for showing on a network of television broadcasting. In Bashkortostan, the first television film appeared after the creation in 1959 of Bashkir TV studios under the guidance of the Committee for Broadcasting and TV of the Council of Ministers of Bashkortostan (ref....

TELYASHEV, Elshad Gumerovich

TELYASHEV, Elshad Gumerovich (b.21.11.1956 in Ufa), Engineer-Technologist. Associate Member of the AS RB (2009), D. Sci. (Engineering Sciences) (1992), Full Professor (2008). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (2014) and the RB (2006), Merited Worker of Petrochemical Industry of the RF (2001). After...

TELYASHEV, Gumer Garifovich

TELYASHEV, Gumer Garifovich (13.12.1931, Derevnya Imay-Karamaly of Davlekanovsky Raion of the BASSR – 2.6.2016, Ufa), Engineer-Technologist. D.Sci. (Engineering Sciences) (1993), Full Professor (1994). Hero of Socialist Labor (1960). Merited Innovator of the BASSR (1978), Merited Chemist of the BASSR...


TENGRIISM, religious belief of the Mongolian and Turkic tribes. Originated, presumably, in the late 2nd – early 1st millennium BC. T. is based on the belief that nature is animate and man is connected with the surrounding world. According to T., the world consists of underworld, earthly and heavenly...


TEPTYARI, a social group in Bashkortostan in the 17–19th centuries. T. were formed from the Pripushchenniks, among whom were originally the Bashkirs, who were deprived of the patrimonial right to the land (ref. Patrimonial Law of the Bashkirs), and later – Mari, Mordovians, Tatars, Udmurts and Chuvash,...