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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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TVERYAKOV, Igor Lvovich

TVERYAKOV, Igor Lvovich (b.11.4.1960 in Birsk), Coach. Merited Coach (swimming) of Russia (1999), International Judge (2007), Merited Physical Culture Professional of the RB (2000). Awarded with the Order of Alexander Nevsky (2013), Order of Honour (2010), Order of Friendship (2006), the 2nd Class Medal...


TWISTED WIRE. In 2011, Bashprovol Plant (Derevnya Askarovo in Abzelilovsky Raion of Bashkortostan) launched production of twisted steel wire with square and other profiles in coils and rods. The RB is ranked number one (25.2%) among Russian T.w. manufacturers (2016).


TWO-SECTION TRANSPORTER, a linked crawler for transportation of cargoes and passengers. It consists of two active sections (vehicle and trailer) linked together using the trailer, semi trailer or railway coupling schemes, complete with an independent steering mechanism. T. s.t. have been produced in...

TYUKIN, Eduard Avtandilovich

TYUKIN, Eduard Avtandilovich (b.19.5.1978 in Ufa), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (weightlifting) of Russia (2004). Awarded with the Order of Salavat Yulayev (2004), the 2nd Class Medal of Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2005). A trainee of the Khimprom Sports Club (Coaches: R.Z.Sirayev, A.F.Yarullin)...

TYULKIN, Alexander Erastovich

TYULKIN, Alexander Erastovich (30.8.1888, Ufa — 18.3.1980, Ufa), Painter, Teacher. People’s (1955) Artist of the BASSR (1955), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1960) and BASSR (1944). Laureate of the BASSR Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1975). Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honour (1955). He...


UCHALINSKY RAION, located in the N of the Bashkir Trans‑Urals. Established on August 20, 1930. Abolished on February 1, 1963, the territory transferred to Beloretsky Raion. Newly established on January 13, 1965. Territory — 4,553 km2. Adm. centre — Uchaly, which is located 376 km E of Ufa. Population...


UCHALY ORE MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT, AO. Performs extraction and processing of copper‑zinc ores. It is the largest enterprise in the RF, producing zinc (1st place) and copper (3rd place) concentrates. Founded in 1954 in place of the Uchaly Copper‑Sulphide Deposit. The technology of rope strengthening...


UCHILISHCHE, vocational, as well as some higher educational institutions in Russia; before the Revolution of 1917 — primary, secondary vocational and professional training schools. Since 1930s U. (of Medical, Music, Culture, Education, Teachers training etc) were created in place of tekhnikums. During...


UCHILISHCHE OF ARTS, founded in Ufa in 1922 under the name of Bashk. Music Tekhnikum, since 1926 — Bashk. Tekhnikum of Arts. In 1936, it was reorganized into 2 independent educational institutions: Bashk. Mus. Uchilishche and Bashk. Theatrical Uchilishche. Since 1960 — both institutions have again been...


UDMURTS (self‑identified as “Udmurt, Udmort, Ukmort”), a people, the dominant population of the Udm. Republic. In 2010, there were 21.4 thous. U. living in the RB: Yanaul – 2.4 thous. p., Neftekamsk – 1.6 thous., Tatyshlinsky – 5.4 thous., Yanaulsky – 4.3 thous., Kaltasinsky – 2.6 thous. and Buraevsky...


UFA, a football team. Set up on the basis of the Bashinformsvyaz‑Dynamo team in December 2010. It played in the 2nd Division of the Russian Championship. Belonging to Ufa Football Club, it’s based at Neftyanik Stadium. In 2012, U. became part of the Football National League (FNL). The team ranked 4th...


UFA International Airport, AO. It services airlines and passengers; carries cargo, mail, and luggage; accommodates aircrafts of all types. It has 2 runways and the revamped airfield; it is the 1st regional airport in the RF that confirmed conformance to ISAGO production standards (allows to accommodate...


UFA, small planet No. 8498. Average distance from the Sun – 448 million km, min. distance from the Earth – about 250 million km. Diam. – about 12 km. Brightness in conjunction: 12.3 of stellar magnitude. Discovered on Sep. 15, 1990 by L.V.Zhuravlyova (the Crimean Astro‑Phys. Observatory), named after...


UFA, Karaidel (in translation from Bashkir — “dark river”), river, a right tributary of the Belaya River. Length — 918 km, basin area — 53,100 thous. km2. The length of U. in the territory of the RB is 390 km. The river basin is located within the Ufa Plateau. Karst is developed, at the base of the...


UFA, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Located in the central part of RB on the Pribelskaya Plain in‑between the Belaya, the Ufa and the Dyoma rivers. The city stretches 50 km from NE to SW. Territory — 707.9 km2. Population — 1,131.4 thous. people (2017). U. comprises Dyomsky, Kalininsky,...


UFA AGGREGATE PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION, OAO. Manufactures electrical machine units, electronic and automatic control equipment for the power supply systems of aircraft and ground systems, ignition units and aviation plugs; foundry production from magnesium, aluminum, steel and brass alloys. Manufactures...


UFA BURIAL GROUNDS, archaeological sites of the period from early Iron Age to early Middle Ages. Located on the territory of Ufa. There were discovered and explored approximately 40 burials, the first of which were found at the end of the 18th century. The Novo‑Ufimsky cemetery belongs to the Ananian...


UFA CIRCUS, a state branch of the Russian State Circus Company. It was opened on November 5th, 1968 with a program under the leadership of the People’s Artist of the RSFSR T.V.Durova. In 1970, the Bashkir Circus Studio was organized at the U.c., its graduates (55 people) laid the foundation of the professional...


UFA CRANE-BUILDING PLANT, OOO. Performs the design, production, installation, repair, technical diagnostics of lifting equipment (bridge, gantry, davit cranes, etc), manufacture of metal structures and ventilation systems. Founded in 1969 as Ufa Experimental Repair and Mechanical Plant, since 1986 Ufimsky...


UFA FEDERAL RESEARCH CENTRE of the RAS. Established in 1951. It comprises the Biology Institute, the Biochemistry and Genetics Institute, the Botanic Garden Institute, the Geology Institute, the History, Language and Literature Institute, Institute of Mathematics with a Computer Centre, the Mavlyutov...