Список материалов

“KNITTING A SHAWL”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. It was first registered by S. Gabyashi and published in his “Bashkir ethnic songs” collection (Ufa, 1935). It is common round, dancing and playing takmak. It has a ternary measure structure of the chant. The takmak’s mode is a major pentatonic. The...

KHYZYR, K h a d i r (from Arabic “green”) is a character in Muslim mythology that combines the features of different characters belonged to pre-Islamic mythologies of Middle East and aulia (spiritual struggler, who was granted protection and magical power by Allah). According to legend he found a source...

KHUSAINOVA Gulnur Ravilovna
KHUSAINOVA Gulnur Ravilovna (b. 14.10.1959), folklorist. Doctor of Philology (2017). Her research is devoted to the study of genre specificity, poetics of Bashkir folk fairytales, the current state of Bashkir folklore, textology. Author of more than 300 research papers. One of the authors of the publications...

KHUSAINOV Gaysa Batyrgareyevich
KHUSAINOV Gaysa Batyrgareyevich [10.4. 1928, Derevnya Utyaganovo of Ufimsky Canton of the BASSR (now Karmaskalinsky Raion of the RB) — 27.7.2021, Ufa, buried in his homeland]. Acadimician of the AS RB (1991), Doctor Sci (Philology, 1971) and Full Professor (1972). Graduated from the Timiryazev Bashkir...

KHUSAINOV Abubakir Davletkulovich
KHUSAINOV Abubakir Davletkulovich (1.6.1859–8.8.1937), kuray player, educator, religious figure. Participant of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–78. Kh. is a provider and collector of Bashkir folklore (recorded more than 300 ethnic songs), performed Bashkir folk songs (about 50 songs in the repertoire),...

KHUMAY is a mythological image, a Bashkir folklore character. K. is the daughter of Samrau, the tsar of the birds and the Sun in the “Ural-batyr” epic. Her mother washes her with water from the Yanshima (from Bashkir, literally-living spring) spring and she becomes immortal. She sometimes lives with...

“KHOLMICHI”, theater of spoon players of Krasnokholmskiy multifunctional rural club “Neftyanik” of Kaltasy district. Established in 1976 by N.A. Beloborodova as “Krasnokholmskie lozhkari”; the ensemble has had its current name since 2001. In 2002 it earned the title “Exemplary“; in 2015 it became an...

KHISAMITDINOVA Firdaus Gilmitdinovna
KHISAMITDINOVA Firdaus Gilmitdinovna (b.1.1.1950, Derevnya Rakhmetovo of Abzelilovsky Raion of the RB), a Linguist. Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the RB (2016), Doctor of Letters (1993), Full Professor (1994). Graduated from BSPI (1974). Her scientific research was dedicated to the...

“KHISAM”, “K h i s a m’ s s o n g”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. The melody was registered by Z.G. Ismagilov from M.I. Galeeva in 1947 and published in “Bashkir ethnic songs” collection (1964). The song is lyro-epic. Presumably, the author of the song is Khisam-sesen from Muynakovo village, Userganskaya...

KHIKAYAT (from Arabic “narration” is a literature term used in Near, Middle East and South-Western Asia denoting every large prose or poetic story with a plot. The narrow meaning of the term is a minor epic genre based on a folklore plot (fairytale, legend, lore) or historical fact. Its size can be...

KHAUBAN is the main character of the “Akbuzat” epic. He continues the great activity of his great-grandfather Ural-batyr who was fighting for people’s happiness and social justice. K. shoots a golden duck with the flintlock rifle that had belonged to his father. The duck turns out to be Nerkes, the...

“KHATIRA”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kyuy. First registered by S.Gabyashi in 1934, published in the book “Bashkort khalk yirdary” by K.F. Akhmetov. The lyrics form is a monologue of a young man in love. He praises the beauty of Khatira. The mode of the chant is major pentatonic, the structure consists...

KHARNAU (to sing a recitative) is a Bashkir folklore genre, spell-formulas (see Spell). It comes from pre-Islamic beliefs. The bakses prayers are uttered during the kamlaniye ritual (see Shamanism). Clear rhythmized text is accompanied by special body movement. It is performed as a chant or as a khamak...

KHARISOV Akhnaf Ibragimovich
KHARISOV Akhnaf Ibragimovich [2.6. 1914, Derevnya Imyanovo of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (now Baltachevsky Raion of the RB) – 15.5.1977, Ufa], Philologist and Writer. Dr.Sci (Philology,1972) and Full Professor (1972). Participant in the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from Timiryazev Bashkir Pedagogical...

KHAMAK, k h a m a k - k u y, 1) is a style of performing pieces of art in Bashkir folklore (bayts, senlyau, spells, zaklichkas, counting-out rhymes, certain poetic parts of epics, fairytales, legends). K. may also be associated with an action, for example, with dance (K. dance), game (game accompanied...

KHALMAK-KYUY (literally – a leisurely, smooth tune), in the Bashk. music folklore refers to a melodic style; a genre of the Bashk. ethnic music. Kh.-k. combines features of both uzun-kyuy and, to a greater extent, kyska-kyuy. Kh.-k. is characterized by slow tempo, moderate intra-syllable tunes (2–3...

“KHAKMAR”, a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kyuy. It was registered by composer M.A. Muzafarov in 1928 in Orenburg city, in the 1940’s by A.A. Eichenwald (it is in The Glinka Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow). It was published in the “Songs of my people” collection (1995). The song is lyroepic. The song...

KHAKMAR, S a k m a r is a character from the “Ural-batyr” epic, the son of Shulgan and Aykhylu (Samrau’s daughter). His mother tells K. about his father’s betrayal and sends him to Ural-batyr to help to defeat the evil powers. K. joins Ural-batyr and becomes the head of the army together with Idel,...

KHAKIMYANOVA Aigul Muzhavirovna
KHAKIMYANOVA Aigul Muzhavirovna (b. 10.7.1973), folklorist. Candidate of Philology (2015). Her research is devoted to the study of the musical-poetic and modern state of Bashkir folklore. Author of more than 80 research papers. Over 500 Bashkir songs and instrumental tunes were recorded by Kh. One of...

“KHAZINA” (“Treasure”), Bashkir folk ensemble of Uchaly Philharmonic. Organized in 1996 by honored worker of culture of the RB G.G. Kudryavtseva. In 2003 it earned the title “People’s”. The band can play dumbyra, kubyz, mandolin, Saratov squeezebox; its repertoire includes Bashkir ethnic songs, ethnic...