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WORLD KURULTAY (CONGRESS) OF BASHKIRS i s a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l u n i o n o f s o c i a l a s s o c i a t i o n s. Founded in 1995 in Ufa to consolidate and revive the Bashkir nation. The main activities: to implement and protect political, economic, ecological, social, cultural...

WORLD FOLKLORIADA, festival. The organizer is the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF®). The idea of holding it was proposed in 1991 by the representative of Israel, Sh. Bialik and was adopted by the General Assembly in 1993 in Dublin (Ireland). It is held...

WICHMANN Yrjö (8.9.1868–3.5.1932), Finnish linguist, folklorist. Doctor of Philosophy (1897). In 1891–92 and 1894, he collected folklore and dialectological materials among the Udmurts of Vyatskaya and Ufimskaya guberniyas (provinces) and other regions of Rus sia. V.’s materials on Udmurt folklore...

“WIEDERGEBURT” (“Revival”), a c u l t u r a l a n d e d u c a t i o n a l U n i o n o f t h e G e r m a n s o f B a s h k o r t o s t a n, a NGO established in Ufa in 1989. It operates Sunday schools in Ufa and Meleuz, the German youth club “Yuvel”, lan guage courses for children and...

WEED PLANTS, the wild and cultivated plants, growing of which on certain areas is undesirable. There are more than 30 thous. known species, about 2 thous. of them are common. There are more than 400 species of W.p., about 50 of them are common. Based on the criterium of prevalence on the territory of...

WHITE SOOT, hydrated silicon dioxide, obtained by precipitation from sodium silicate solution. It is used as reinforcing filler of synthetic and polymeric materials in the tire, rubber, chemical, light and other industries. The only production of W.s. in the RF was mastered at the Sterlitamak Soda‑Cement...

WHEAT, a plant genus of the Gramineae family. There are about 30 wild and cultural species known. Soft W. and hard W. (winter and spring forms) are being cultivated in the RB. Winter W. is mostly grown in the south forest-steppe zone and pre-Ural steppe
zone, hard spring W. — in pre-Ural and trans-Ural...

WORLD WAR I of 1914—18, the war between England, Russia and France, on the one hand, and Austria-Hungary and Germany, on the other hand. 38 states participated in the WWI. Approx. 163 thous. people were mobilized from Orenburg Gub., more than 320 thous. people were mobilized from Ufa Guberniya. The...

WILDLIFE RESERVES, part of state, natural, the category of specially protected natural areas, where certain types of economic activities are permanently or temporarily prohibited for the purpose of preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and in order to maintain the ecological...

WOMEN'S MOVEMENT. Arose in Bashkortostan in the early 20th century. Between 1919—20, each canton has Women’s Departments under the Bashk. Obl. Committee of the RCP(b). In November 1926, the Bashkir Central Executive Committee established a Commission on improvement of women’s work and life and struggle...

WOODWORKING INDUSTRY, a branch of forest industry, associated with mechanical and chemical mechanical processing of wood. The RB is represented by sawmilling, plywood, furniture, tare, match making productions and wood chemistry. The largest industry enterprises: Selena Timber Company (Beloretsky Raion),...

WATER CONTROL STRUCTURES, engineering structures designed for utilization of water resources and the protection of the environment against destructive effects of water. More than 120 water storage basins, 350 ponds and over 200 km of dams were created in the RB to protect agricultural lands, residential...

WATERPROOF AND ROOFING MATERIALS. A production of roofing asbestoscement materials (slate of various types) and rolled materials (approx. 4 million m2/year) was mastered in Bashkortostan in the mid 50s; since the 90s — reinforced padding bitumen polymer materials (Bikrost, Bikroelast, Rubitex, etc),...

WORLD KURULTAY (CONGRESS) OF BASHKIRS, an International Union of Public Associations. Established in Ufa in 1995 under the name of World Kurultay of Bashkirs, since 1999 — the Interregional Kurultay of Bashkirs, since 2003 — received its current name. Has regional offices in both the RF regions and...

WAVES OF AGIDEL (Agidel Tulkyndary), opera by Z.G.Ismagilov in 4 acts. Written in 1969. The premiere of W.o.A. took place in Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre on February 24th, 1972 (libretto by M.Karim, musical director and conductor – G.Kh.Mutalov, stage director – R.A.Valiullin, scenographer...

WATERFALL, water drop from a steep or sheer ledge in the river bed. Water rapid develops on a less steep (30—40°) ledge, water cascade develops on a stepped ledge. Ledges have tectonic, erosive, karst or other origin. As a result of gradual destruction of the ledge, W. retreats upstream of the river....

WIND FARM, a cluster of several distributed or concentrated wind power plants (generators) connected to a common grid (cascades); the wind speed must exceed 4.5 m/s. In the late 1980s – 1990s the Bashkir branch of the Vitroen Group of Companies (Ufa), in cooperation with 24 companies of the Republic,...

WHITE DEER ON A BLUE MOUNTAIN (Zanger Tauza — Ak Bolan), a novel. Written in 1980 by N.S.Musin. The work is a trilogy, also consisting of the novels Before the Flood (1985), and Get out on the Road at Dawn (1988), the general outline of which is combined with the narrations of the fate of the...