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“LYUBIZAR”, a Bashkir ethnik song, kyska-kyuy. The song’s lyrics were first recorded by F.K.Tuykin in the 1910s. The L. appearance is connected with the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 and Foreign Campaigns of the Russian army of 1813–14. According to the legend, after one of the great battles M.I.Kutuzov...

LYUBIZAR, a Bashk. folk song, kyska-kyuy. The song’s lyrics were first recorded by F.K.Tuykin in the 1910s. The L. appearance is connected with the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 and Foreign Campaigns of the Russian army of 1813—14. According to the legend, after one of the great battles M.I.Kutuzov...

LYCEUMS, 1) in Russia, until 1917: privileged secondary or higher education institutions for nobility children to be trained into potential statesmen; 2) name of some general or vocational educational institutions in the RF, which have their own educational programs since 1988.
In Bashkortostan, the...

LYAYSAN, a folk dance ensemble at the Uchalinsky Ore Mining and Processing Plant. Founded in 1964 at the Bayramgulovsky Sovkhoz Palace of Culture. Since 2005 – the current status. In 1972, received the “People’s” title. Since 2013 – Merited Folk Collective of the RF. The repertoire consists of the Bashkir...

LYAPINA, Nafisa Kabirovna
LYAPINA, Nafisa Kabirovna (b.15.12.1933 in Derevnya Sakhaevo of Karmaskalinsky Raion of the BASSR), Petrochemist. Associate Member of the AS RB (1995), D.Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1983), Full Professor (1986). Merited Master of Sciences of the BASSR (1976). Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honour...

LYALYA‑TYULPAN is the name of the Ufa Grand Mosque. Building commenced in 1989, with its construction completed in 1998. The Mosque has been operating since 1999. It is under the authority of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia and was erected on its initiative. Architect – V.V.Davlyatshin....

LUTFULLIN, Akhmat Fatkullovich
LUTFULLIN, Akhmat Fatkullovich (4.2.1928, Derevnya Abzelilovo of the TamyanKataisky Canton of the BASSR, now Selo Askarovo of Abzelilovsky Raion of the RB, — 10.7.2007, Ufa, buried in Selo Abzakovo of Beloretsky Raion of the RB), Artist. Acad. of the Russian Academy of Arts (1997). People’s Artist of...

“LULLABY”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. The legend and a variant of the song were first registered by K.M. Diyarov in 1972 in Kugarchinskiy District from M. Suleymanova and published in the book “Sal Uraldyn Mondary” (1988). The song is lyrodramatic. According to the legend, it was composed by a...

LUKMANOV, Sabir Zakirzyanovich
LUKMANOV, Sabir Zakirzyanovich (9.4.1906, Derevnya Yarkeyevo of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Verkhneyarkeyevo of Ilishevsky Raion of the RB, – 27.10.1967, Ufa), Anatomist, Public Health Provider. Dr.Sci (Medical Sciences) (1943), Full Professor (1943). Merited Master of Sciences of the BASSR (1956),...

LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, a system, in which the population of an administrative territorial unit independently manages the affairs (directly or through elected bodies) within the limits of the rights established by the state. Within the tribe or clan, the Bashkirs’ Local Self‑Government was administered...

LIVING STANDARDS, a comprehensive indicator, characterizing the degree of satisfaction of physical, spiritual, and material needs of the social groups or population of a certain country or a region. It is determined by income, the total volume of consumed material goods and services per capita (including...

LIVESTOCK BREEDING, a branch of agriculture concerned with the breeding of farm livestock to produce animal products. It provides the population with food (milk, meat, eggs, etc), raw materials (leather, wool, etc), draft animals (oxen, horses, etc), and organic fertilizers. From L.b. products and waste,...

LITERATURE AND FOLKLORE. The relationship of L. and F. are complex and multifaceted. Writers applied oral ethnic art at every stage of literature development. Studying art folklore makes national literature develop in its own way. The writers use quotes and borrow ethnic styles and, moreover, understand...

LITERARY LANGUAGE Bashkir, the historically developed form of the existence of the Bashkir language. In the history of the Bashkir L.l., there is a pre-national (13th – 2nd half of 19th centuries) and national (since the end of 19th century) phases (ref. Dialects of the Bashkir language). A significant...

LISTVENITE, metasomatic rock. It consists of carbonates and quartz, contains impurities of pyrite, chlorite, fuxite, hematite. The structure is granoblastic or lepidogranoblastic, the texture is massive or spotted. The color is heterogeneous green. It is used as decorative, facing stone, ornamental...

LIPAYEV, Nikolay Filippovich
LIPAYEV, Nikolay Filippovich [26.4.1926, Derevnya Ozerkovka, Sterlitamaksky Canton of the BASSR (Sterlitamaksky Raion of the RB) – 1.11.1994, Ishimbay], Industrialist. Merited Construction Worker of the RF (1992), Merited Worker of the Housing and Utility Sector of the BASSR (1984). Awarded with the...

LIMESTONE, sedimentary rock. It consists mainly of calcite or calcite skeletal residues of organisms, rarely of aragonite. It contains minor impurities of dolomite, quartz, gypsum, and clay minerals. The structure is biomorphic (organogenic), detrital, grained; the texture is massive, layered. The color...

LIFTING DEVICES, lifting machines used for vertical or inclined lifting or lowering people and/or cargoes by means of special devices (carriages, cabins, cages, shovels, platforms, skips, trolleys, etc.) suspended on ropes or chains, or moving along rigid vertical (rarely inclined) guides or rails....

LIFE SAFETY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE RB, GUP. Located in Ufa. Established in 1993. Main activities include: eco analytical studies of environmental objects, environmental, sanitary and hygienic standardization for economic entities, development of geoinformational technologies in the field of environmental...

LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND Special Republican. Located in Ufa. It was established in 1935 in the premises of City Library No. 18. It has branches in Belebey, Beloretsk, Sterlitamak and 50 libraries in towns and raions of the RB. By 2017, there were more than 258 thousand units, about 87 thousand books printed...