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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

BIKEYEV, Sultan Khamitovich

Views: 1824

BIKEYEV, Sultan Khamitovich (25.12. 1916, Derevnya Toktar­Abdrashitovo of Be­ lebeyevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Abdrashitovo of Alsheyevsky Raion  of the RB, – 8.10.2006, Ufa), Tanker, Colonel (1975). Hero of the Soviet Union (1943). Merited Employee of Culture of the BASSR (1977), Outstanding Employee of the Print Media of the USSR (1977). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1943), the 1st Class of Order of the Patriotic War (1985), and the Order of the Red Star (1944). Participant of the Soviet­Finland War of 1939–40 and of the Great Patriotic War. Graduated from the Military Academy of the Armoured and Mechanized Troops of the Soviet Army (Moscow, 1947). Captain B. was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR for valour manifested by him in the conduct of the cross­river operation at the Dnepr River on October 2, 1943 near Selo Mishurin Rog and in the battles of October 3–5 for Selo Soloshino of the Ukrainian SSR. Since 1962, he worked in Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the BASSR. Since 1966, he worked at Ufa State Printing House No.2 (between 1967–92 as Dir.). Ufa Vocational College was named after B.

Publication date: 20.03.2020
Last updated: 19.01.2023
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