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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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ISYANBAYEV, Mazgar Nasipovich

ISYANBAYEV, Mazgar Nasipovich (b.15.9.1936 in Selo Itkulovo 2nd of Baymaksky Raion of the BASSR), Economist. Acad. of the AS RB (2002), Dr. of Economics (1987), Full Professor (1993). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (1998) and BASSR (1986). Awarded with the Order of Salavat Yulayev (2011). Graduated...

ISYANBAYEV, Yumabay Mutigullovich

ISYANBAYEV, Yumabay Mutigullovich (21.9.1891, Derevnya Ismagilovo of Orsky Uyezd of Orenb. Gub. — 1943, near Voronezh), Kuraist. People’s Artist of the BASSR (1991). Participant in the Great Patriotic War. Since 1925, a Kuraist at Bashk. Mobile Theatre. Between 1929—40, Chairman of the Sarykul collective...


IT BOARDING LYCEUM, a Republican institution of secondary education. Founded in 1993 in Selo Itkulovo 1st of Baymaksky Raion. Students, who have completed 8 grades of a secondary school, are admited to this Lyceum through competition.


IVAN  KUPALA  HOLIDAY is an ethnic holiday of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other peoples. It marked summer solstice. The Sun  was  believed  to  die  gradually  after  it. According to research, people from Russian villages on the territory of Bashkortostan used to search for a fern flower at...

IVANOV, Konstantin Vasilyevich

IVANOV, Konstantin Vasilyevich [15.5.1890, Derevnya Slakbash of Belebeyevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Belebeyevsky Raion of the RB) — 13.3.1915, ibid.], Chuvash poet. Studied at Simbirsk Chuvash Teacher’s School between 1903 — 07, where he also worked until 1914 (intermittently). Author of the Two Daughters...

IVANOV, Valentin Timofeyevich

IVANOV, Valentin Timofeyevich (1.1.1929, Derevnya Gaitankino of the TASSR – 15.4.2003, Ufa), Mathematician. Associate Member of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Engineering (1978), Full Professor (1978). Merited Scientist and Engineer of the RSFSR (1989), Merited Scientist of the BASSR (1983). Graduated from...


JASPER, sedimentary siliceous rock. The structure is crypto‑crystalline, the texture is massive. The various shades of red, yellow, brown, bluish‑gray, green, purple colours are caused by the presence of mainly iron and manganese oxides, an admixture of epidote and other minerals. Also, there is mottled,...


JAZZ, a form of music art. In the early 40s of the 20th century, the arising interest in J. in Bashkortostan was facilitated by the concert and tour activity of the leading pop and jazz bands and musicians of the country. Further development of jazz art is connected with the creative work of large orchestras...


“JINGLING VALLEY”, is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. The legend and poetic lyrics were first registered in the 1930’s. By M.A. Burangulov,  they  are  published  in  “Bashkir ethnic art. songs” collection (book 1, 1974) by S.A. Galin. The song is lyrical and psychologi­ cal. According to one of the...


JUDICIAL AUTHORITY, an independent branch of state authority, empowered to implement justice and legal control, as well as interprete laws, etc. J.a. is exercised by courts represented by judges, jury and arbitrators. The Bashkortostan Revolutionary Tribunal and the Council of People’s Judges of the...


JULIAN (13th century), Hungarian Traveler, Monk. Undertook two journeys in search of the historical ancestors of the Hungarians and the history of the conversion of its inhabitants to Catholic faith. The details of the first journey (1235–37) were recorded in the words of J. by Monk Richard for the...


K.DEVLETKILDEYEV ARTISTICGYMNASIUM BOARDING SCHOOL, a Republican general education institutionwith advanced study of artistic disciplines. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1961, since1994 — it has been named in honour of K.S.Devletkildeyev. Studentsare admitted, starting from the 4th grade. It has visual...

KADYROV, Gabdrakhman (Gaptrakhman) Fayzurakhmanovich

KADYROV, Gabdrakhman (Gaptrakhman) Fayzurakhmanovich (27.1.1941, Shatura – 31.7.1993, Sochi, buried in Ufa), Athlete. Merited Sports Master of the USSR (1965), International Motor Racing Coach (1991). Distinguished Athlete of the RB (1993), Merited Physical Culture Sector Professional of the BASSR (1991)....

KADYROV, Imam‑Gali Galimovich

KADYROV, Imam‑Gali Galimovich (24.3.1898, Derevnya Karamaly‑Tamak of Belebeevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Derevnya Kartamak of Buzdyaksky Raion of the RB, — 2.5.1969, Ufa), Surgeon. Doctor of Medical Sciences and a Full Professor (1940). Merited Master of Sciences of the BASSR (1947). Awarded with the...

KADYROVA, Nazifa (Nasifa) Zhavatovna

KADYROVA, Nazifa (Nasifa) Zhavatovna (b.13.4.1954, Derevnya Akhunovo of Uchalinsky Raion of BASSR), Singer. People’s Artist of BASSR (1987), Merited Artist of RF (2005), BASSR (1982) and RT (1996). Laureate of RB State Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1994). Awarded with the Order of Peoples Friendship...


KAF-TAU (Kaf mountain) is the highest mountain at the edge of the world in Bashkir mythology; it is the abode of evil demons (azhdakha, diyu, pyariy,s etc.) or a border between human and demon worlds. According to belief, clouds take azhdakha to K.­m to keep him from turning  into yukha. “Dandan­batyr”...


“KAGARMAN‑CANTON”,  Bashkir  ethnic  song,  khalmak-kuy.  First  registered  by I.V. Saltykov, published in “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection by K.F. Akhmetov. The song is comical and has a dancing nature. Dedicated to Kagarman Kuvatov, the head of the 9th Bashkir military canton. The most wide­spread...

KAGARMANOV, Nurullah Faritovich

KAGARMANOV, Nurullah Faritovich [10.2.1928, Derevnya Slak of Belebeyevsky Canton of the BASSR (now Alysheyevsky Raion of the RB) — 9.10.1996], Mining Engineer. Associate Member of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Engineering (1984), Full Professor (1985). Merited Scientist and Engineer of the BASSR (1978),...

KAIBYSHEV, Oskar Akramovich

KAIBYSHEV, Oskar Akramovich (28.3.1939, Moscow — 2.6.2007, Antalya, Turkey, buried in Ufa), Metal Physicist. Acad. of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Engineering (1976), Full Professor (1977). Merited Scientist of the BASSR (1979). Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1980), the 2nd Class Order...


KAKHKAKHA (from Persian – sarcastically laughing) is an evil demon in Bashkir mythology. K. is the tsar of snakes able to turn into anything, a character of the “Ural-batyr” epic. He has a magical wand which helps him to summon natural catastrophes. He and his son Zarkum try to destroy Ural-batyr. When...