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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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CHERNOVA, Viktoriya Vladimirovna

CHERNOVA, Viktoriya Vladimirovna (b.30.12.1981, Ufa), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (Athletics) of Russia (2001). Distinguished Athlete of the RB (2001). Awarded with the 2nd Class Medal of Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2002). A trainee of the Youth Sports School No.20 and Looch Sports and...

CHERTOK, Yury Vladimirovich

CHERTOK, Yury Vladimirovich (b.31.1.1957 in Nukus), Coach. Merited Coach (international draughts) of Russia (1998), International Master (1998), Merited Physical Culture Professional of the RB (1994). Awarded with the Order of Salavat Yulayev (2001). Graduated from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute...


CHILDREN'S MUSIC, the music intended for listening or performing by children. In the Bashk. folklore, the C.m. is represented by songs (lullabies, rounds, nursery rhymes, humorous sayings, patters, takmaks, etc), dancing melodies, music games, which laid the foundation of the professional C.m. Between...


CHILDREN'S PRINTED PRODUCTS, periodicals intended for children of preschool, primary and secondary school age. Ch.p.p. in the RB are represented by the Akbuzat (since 1990; in the Bashk. language White Horse), and Alluki (since 2004; in the Tat. language Cradle) magazines. Printed press for teenagers:...


CHILDREN’S HEALTH RETREAT CENTERS, the state healthcare centers that provide therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitation care to children, utilizing natural and artificial treatments. They function all year round. First children’s health resort centers in Bashkortostan were opened in 1921 in Derevnya...


CHILDREN’S ORGANIZATIONS, voluntary mass associations of children and adults, characterized by the social orientation of their work, democratic style of relations and pedagogical impact on the members of the organization. C.o. perform social and political (protection of children’s rights, their interests,...


CHIROPTERA, an order of mammals. There are 18 known families with more than 900 species. There are 12 species of bats suborders in the RB. Their body length varies from 3.8 (common pipistrelle) to 7.5 cm (serotine bat). Their forelimbs are skinny wings. Lesser noctule inhabits the territory of the Bashkirsky...


CHISHMA, ООО, a stud farm. Specializes in breeding cattle of Bestuzhevskaya and black and white breeds. Located in Dyurtyulinsky Raion, the central farm is in Selo Chishmy. Founded in 1957 out of a collective farm named after N.S.Khrushchev (1951) as Chishma Kolkhoz, it changed its legal status in the...


CHISHMINSKY HORTICULTURAL SELECTION CENTRE. It is an experimental base of BNIISKh in the field of plant selection and seed production. It specilizes in creation agricultural crops varieties and hybrids, development and implementation of agricultural crops production technologies. Located in the PGT...


CHISHMINSKY RAION, located in the central part of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930. Between 1963—65, due to the amalgamation of the raions, the territory of Blagovarsky Raion was a part of Ch.r. Territory — 1,824 km2. Adm. centre — Selo Chishma, which is located 57 km SE of Ufa. Population — 54.2...


CHISHMY OIL EXTRACTION FACTORY, OOO. An enterprise for production of weighted out unrefined and refined deodorized vegetable oil and sunflower seed based processing products. Located in PGT Chishmy of Chishminsky Raion. Established in 1973 as a Chishminsky Interregional Wax Refining Factory, began operations...


CHISHMY SUGAR FACTORY, OAO. Located in PGT Chishmy. Founded in 1956 as part of Chisminsky Beet Storage (founded in 1952), since 1958, has active procurement units, in 1961, the construction of the production building was started, in 1971 the first products were made, since 1996 it has its current status...


CHORAL MUSIC, music intended forchoral performance. In Bashkortostan C.m. started to develop at the time of theorigination of the first amateur choralgroups, whose repertoire mostly had simpleexamples of folk melodies such as takmaks,revolutionary and Red Army songs; it isalso associated with the activities...


CHOREOGRAPHIC COLLEGE NAMED AFTER R.NUREYEV. Founded in 1986 as Ufa Choreographic School. Name changed in 1996 to Bashkir Choreographic School and, in 1998, it was named after R.K.Nureyev. In 2009, it acquired its present name. The college has been training children from different regions of the RF...


CHOREOGRAPHY, the art of dance in all its varieties. Before the Revolution of 1917, the Bashkir folk dance developed under the influence of the historical and social living conditions of the people. In its epics and legends one finds quite a few references to folk dances, which are also described in...


CHRISTMAS is one of the main Christian holidays dedicated to Jesus Christ’s birth. Its origin is connected with pagan beliefs about ethnic calendar rituals dedicated to the birth of the new Sun, winter solstice period (see Nardugan). It is celebrated on January 7th (December 25th, the old tradition)...

CHUDOV, Maxim Aleksandrovich

CHUDOV, Maxim Aleksandrovich (b.12.11.1982, Selo Mikhaylovka of Ufimsky Raion of the BASSR), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (biathlon) of Russia (2008). Awarded with the Order of Peoples’ Friendship (2010), the 2nd Class Medal of Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2010). A trainee of the Specialist...


CHURCHES, Christian cult buildings. Churches were built from the 2nd half of the 16th century (mainly around Ufa and along the Belaya River). From the middle of the 18th century churches were built in mining and industrial settlements. Since the end of the 18th century they were erected from donations...

CHURKIN, Yuri Vasilyevich

CHURKIN, Yuri Vasilyevich (6.3.1935, Osinniki – 1.9.1998, Ufa), Chemical Technologist. Associate Member of the AS RB (1995), D.Sci. (Engineering Sciences) (1980), Full Professor (1986). Merited Master of Sciences and Technology of the BASSR (1989), Merited Worker of Petrochemical Industry of the USSR...


CHUVASH CULTURE SOCIETY  i n  B a s h k o r t o s t a n, an NGO established in Ufa in 1989. In cooperation with “Kanash” and Chuvash Historical Cultural Center, participated in regional celebrations, contests and festivals, and in the Chuvash cultural festival “Uyav”, youth festival of song and dance...