Список материалов

IGENCHE, ООО, a stud farm, diversified enterprise. Specializes in breeding cattle of black and white breed, production and sale of livestock products, pedigree seeds of grain and leguminous crops and perennial grasses; production of agricultural products and raw materials, and their processing and marketing....

IGLINSKY RAION, located in the central part of the RB. Established on January 31, 1935 due to the disamalgamation of Ufimsky Raion of the BASSR. Abolished on February 1, 1963, territory became a part of Ufimsky and Nurimanovsky raions. Newly established on March 3, 1964. Abolished on January 13, 1965,...

IGNATYEV Ruf Gavrilovich
IGNATYEV Ruf Gavrilovich (7.9.1818, Moskovskaya region – 2.1.1886, Orenbugr), translator, local historian. Graduated from The Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages (Moscow), Paris Conservatory. He collected the archeological, historical ethnographic, folklore materials of Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Russians...

IGNATYEV, Ruf Gavrilovich
IGNATYEV, Ruf Gavrilovich (7.9.1818, Moscow Gub. – 2.1.1886, Orenburg), Translator and Ethnographer. Graduated from the Lazarevsky Institute of Oriental Languages (Moscow), Paris Conservatory. Since 1837, a civil servant at various institutions of Moscow, Tver and Novgorod guberniyas, since 1858 – Orenburg...

IGNATYEV, Semyon Denisovich
IGNATYEV, Semyon Denisovich (14.9.1904, Derevnya Karlovka of Kherson Gub. – 27.11.1983, Moscow), Communist Party Activist. Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1940, 1944, 1948, 1957), Order of the October Revolution (1974), the 1st Class Order of Patriotic War (1945), Order of the Red Banner of Labour...

IKHTISAMOV Khamzafar Sabirovich
IKHTISAMOV Khamzafar Sabirovich (27.1.1937–13.12.2008), musicologist-folklorist. His research is devoted to ethnic music of Bashkirs, works of folk singers and musicians, comparative typological analysis of musical folklore of Turkicspeaking peoples. Author of more than 50 research papers. The organizer...

IKSKY, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 22.7 thous. ha in the territory of Kugarchinsky Raion. It was organized to restore the populations of game animals (1972). In 1998 part of the territory of the wildlife reserve was allocated for the Muradymovskoye Gorge Natural Park. In 2012 it was included...

ILGAMOV, Marat Aksanovich
ILGAMOV, Marat Aksanovich (b.8.4.1934 in Selo Yarlykapovo of Abzelilovsky Raion, BASSR), Mechanical Engineer. Associate Member of RAS, Acad. of AS RB (1998), Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.) (1970), Full Professor (1972). Laureate of the RB State Award (2003, 2015), RT (2012) in Science and Engineering. Awarded...

ILISHEVSKY RAION, located in the NW of the RB. Established on January 31, 1935 due to the disamalgamation of Bakalinsky, Dyurtyulinsky and Chekmagushevsky raions of the BASSR. Territory — 1,974 km2. Adm. centre — Selo Verkhneyarkeyevo, which is located 160 km NW of Ufa and 102 km of the Buzdyak Railway...

ILSEGUL, APC. Specializes in breeding cattle of Simmental breed, production of milk and plant growing. Located in Miyakinskiy Raion; the central farm is in Selo Ilchigulovo. Established in 2006, it consists of a complex for cattle fattening, 2 dairy farms, a horse farm with milking mares for the production...

ILTEBANOVSKOYE RESERVOIR, on the Ural River. The dam site is near Selo Iltebanovo of Uchalinsky Raion. Built in 1974, revamped in 1998. Catchment area of the river in the cross-section of the water development — 733 km2, aver. annual volume of inflow — 98 million m3, full volume — 4.9 million m3; surface...

“ILYAS”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. First registered by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1937 from M.F. Burangulov, published in “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection by G.Z. Suleymanov. The song is lyrodramatic. According to the legend, the origin of “I.” is connected with a tragic accident at hunting. One...

ILYASOV Spartak Muzhavirovich
ILYASOV Spartak Muzhavirovich (b. 7.11. 1941), a carrier of folklore, writer, local historian. I. collected and performed the versions of songs “Azamatov-Canton”, “Iremel”, “Fog”, “Ural”, as well as “Cuckoo”, “Malbay”, “Beyet about the Fugitives”, etc. These records are stored in the folklore office...

ILYASOV, Bariy Galeyevich
ILYASOV, Bariy Galeyevich (b.13.6.1939 in Rabochy Posyolok Buribay of Khaibullinsky Raion of the BASSR), Electrical Engineer. Associate Member of the AS RB (2006), Doctor of Engineering (1983), Full Professor (1985). Merited Scientist and Engineer of the RF (1994) and the RB (1990), Merited Inventor...

ILYIN DAY is a religious day for Slavic people. It is also a holiday of the summer cycle of Orthodox people dedicated to the Saint Prophet Iliya (Ilya). It is celebrated annually on August 2. According to the ethnic tradition, the prophet is a master of thunder, sky fire, rain, a protector of crops...

IMASHEV, Ural Bulatovich
IMASHEV, Ural Bulatovich (17.1.1945, Selo Uchaly of Uchalinsky Raion of the BASSR – 3.2.2018, Ufa), Chemist. Acad. of the AS RB (1995), D.Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1980), Full Professor (1981). Merited Master of Sciences and Technology of the BASSR (1981), Merited Oil Industry Worker of the RF (1995)....

IMASHEVA, Galiya Shakirovna
IMASHEVA, Galiya Shakirovna (17.5.1915, Kamen-on-Ob of Tomsk Gub. — 5.1.1995, Ufa), Stage Designer. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1973) and BASSR (1970), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1955) and BASSR (1943). Laureate of the RSFSR State Award named after K.S.Stanislavsky (1967). Awarded with the Order...

IMAYEVA Gulnara Zaynetdinovna
IMAYEVA Gulnara Zaynetdinovna (b. 14.1. 1965), folklorist. Doctor of Philology (2010). Her research is devoted to the study of Russian folk fairytales and their typological relationships with Eastern Slavic, Turkic (including Bashkir) tradition and literature. Author of more than 60 research papers.

IMMUNOPREPARAT, a branch of AO NPO for Microgen Medical Immunobiologic Medications. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1905. It develops and manufactures immunobiological and pharmaceutical drugs for diagnostics, prevention and treatment of infectious, allergic, somatic diseases, as well as immunity correction....

IMPLEMENTS traditional, for Bashkirs included various household items made of birch bark, wood, bast, leather, metal (cauldron, samovar, etc), clay (was rare, mainly in the southern areas). Dining I. consisted of various wooden bowls: medium, low, deep bowls were used on a daily basis, large bowls –...