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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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MUSIC, an art form. The professional music art of Bashkortostan, deriving from folk music (ref. Folk music, Folk singers and musicians) and world culture, has developed since early 20th century. Before the Revolution of 1917, the Bashkirs mainly developed the oral musical and poetic art, manifested...


MUSIC AND SONGS OF THE URAL MUSLIMS WITH THE REVIEW OF THEIR LIFE, the scientific publication, dedicated to the folk musical art of Bashkirs, Tatars, Teptyars and Nagaybaks (1897). It was compiled by S.G. Rybakov based on the materials, collected between 1893–94 during his expedition around the South...


MUSIC SOCIETY OF THE RB, a public organization established in order to promote the spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of children and youth, to introduce them to the values of musical culture, to support young gifted people, and to preserve the folklore of the peoples of Bashkortostan. Founded...

MUSIN, Nuguman Suleymanovich

MUSIN, Nuguman Suleymanovich [b.17.7.1931, Derevnya Kulgunino of Makarovsky Raion of the BASSR (now Ishimbaysky Raion of the RB)]. People’s Writer of the RB (2001) and Merited Cultural Sector Professional of the BASSR (1981). Laureate of the BASSR State Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1991). Awarded...

MUSLIMOV, Pavel Ilyich

MUSLIMOV, Pavel Ilyich (b.15.6.1967 in Ufa), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (biathlon) of Russia (1996). Awarded with the 2nd Class Medal of the Order for Merits to the Fatherland (1998). Distinguished Athlete of the RB (1994). A trainee of the Gastello Sports Club (Coach – P.K.Yamaleyev). Bronze...

MUSTAFIN, Akhat Gazizyanovich

MUSTAFIN, Akhat Gazizyanovich (b.21.1.1957 in Derevnya Kulchurovo of Baymaksky Raion of the BASSR), Chemist. Acad. of the AS RB (2009), D.Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1999), Full Professor (2003). Merited Master of Sciences of the RB (2007). Graduated from the BSU (1979). Since 1980, he worked at the IOC,...

MUSTAFINA, Fatyma Khamidovna

MUSTAFINA, Fatyma Khamidovna [26.12.1913, Derevnya Dengizbayevo of Nikolayevsky Uyezd of Samara Gub. (Bolshechernigovsky Raion of Samara Obl.) – 2.11.1998, Ufa], Soviet Communist Party Activist, Teacher. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (1950). Merited Secondary School Teacher of the RSFSR (1960)....

MUTALOV, Gaynetdin Hayretdinovich

MUTALOV, Gaynetdin Hayretdinovich (18.12.1929, Derevnya Yantyshevo 1st of Zilairsky Canton of the BASSR, now Derevnya Yantyshevo of Khaibullinsky Raion of the RB, — 21.6.2011, Ufa), Conductor. People’s Artist of BASSR (1969), Merited Artist of RSFSR (1980) and BASSR (1963). Awarded with the Order of...

MUTIN, Ildarkhan Ibragimovich

MUTIN, Ildarkhan Ibragimovich [21.7. 1888, Derevnya Taktalachuk of Menzelinsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Aktanyshsky Raion of the RT) – 3.2.1938], Member of the Bashkir National Movement. Graduated from the Menzelinskoye 4‑year City School. Since 1917 at the Bashkir Central Shuro, Member of the Bashkir Government...


MUYTEN-BIY, the Bashkir Khan, leader of the Bashkir Usergan tribe. According to a shezhere, M.‑b., as a representative of the Bashkir people, was received by Genghis Khan (presumably, in Summer, 1219, when Genghis Khan as head of his army was in the steppes of the South Siberia) and received the yarlyk...


MY BASHKIRS, GET READY TO STUDY! (Bashkorttarym, ukyu kerek!), a poem. Written in the second half of the 19th century. In it, M.Akmulla appeals to the Bashkir people to become educated, both to master various trades and crafts and to attain general higher degree of knowledge. The author compares educated...


MY URALS (Uralym), a poem, madhia. Created by Salavat Yulayev. First time published in Russian by F.D.Nefedov in the essay Salavat, the Bashkir Batyr (1880). The work belongs to the category of lyrical landscape poetry. The author glorifies the beauty of his native Urals, their forests and meadows,...


MYSOVAYA, Urta‑Tube, an archaeological site (settlement) of the Stone Age. It is included in the Karabalykty Archeological Complex of artifacts and is located 1 km to the W of Selo Tashbulatovo of Abzelilovsky Raion, on a cape on the western shore of Karabalykty Lake. Discovered and researched between...

NABIULLIN, Valey Gabeyevich

NABIULLIN, Valey Gabeyevich [3.4.1914, Derevnya Starokucherbayevo of Belebeyevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Blagovarsky Raion of the RB) – 25.12.1982, Ufa], Statesman. Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1957), Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1944, 1966). Graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central...

NABIULLINA, Elvira Sakhipzadovna

NABIULLINA, Elvira Sakhipzadovna (b.29.10.1963, Ufa), Statesman. Awarded with the 4th Class Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2012), Order of Friendship (2011). Graduated from the MSU (1986). Since 1994, she worked at the Ministry of Economy of the RF: since 1997 the Deputy Minister of Economy of...

NADRSHINA, Fanuza Aitbayevna

NADRSHINA, Fanuza Aitbayevna (b.7.2. 1936, Derevnya Staro‑Muradymovo of Aurgazinsky Raion of the BASSR, now Derevnya Muradym of the same raion of the RB). Merited Member of the AS RB (2016). Dr.Sci (Philology, 1998). Merited Scientist of the RB (2000). Laureate of the BASSR Award named after Salavat...


NADZHMI, Nazar (real name: Nazmutdinov Nazar Nazmutdinovich; 5.2.1918, Derevnya Minlishtino of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Minishty of Dyurtyulinsky Raion of the RB, – 6.9.1999, Ufa, buried in his homeland). People’s Poet of the RB (1993). Laureate of the RSFSR State Award named after M.Gorky...


NAKAZBASHEVSKY, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 23.8 thous. ha in the territory of Kugarchinsky and Kuyurgazinsky raions. It was organized to restore the populations of game animals (1969). It is inhabited by true otter, eared hedgehog, Pipistrellus nathusii, Natterer’s bat, bobak, great jerboa,...

NAPALKOV, Valentin Vasilievich

NAPALKOV, Valentin Vasilievich (b.30.7. 1941 in Gorky), Mathematician. Associate Member of RAS (1990), Acad. of AS RB (1991), Dr.Sci. (Phys.‑Math.) (1977), Full Professor (1980). Awarded with the 2nd Class Order for Merits to the Fatherland (1999). Graduated from the Gorky University (1964). Since 1971...


NARATSAZ, a stow, a natural mo­ nument (2005). Located on the left bank of the Bir River, 2 km SW of Derevnya Sabayevo of Mishkinsky Raion. Territory – 585 ha. On the territory of N. there is a complex of lowland swamps with lakes. Landscapes are represented by swamp forests, mosses are found. The following...