Список материалов

“ALA‑TOO” t h e c e n t e r o f K y r g y z c u l t u r e i n B a s h k o r t o s t a n, a NGO established in Ufa in 2006. A member of the Union of the Kyrgyz People of Russia, World Congress of the Kyrgyz People and Fellow Countrymen, etc. Participated in the 2nd (2009) and 3rd (2015) Congresses of...

ALDAR (from Bashkir – deceiver) is a folklore or Bashkir household fairytale character (“Aldar and Yamar”, “Aldar and sesen”, “Bald Aldar and mullas” etc.). The image is collective, the character is dexterous and cunning, resembles Shombay image. The character embodies living ethnic wisdom, victory...

ALDAR, A.Isekeyev, A.Isyangildin (ca. 1670s — 16.5.1740, Menzelinsk of Ufa Province, now Menzelinsk), one of the leaders of the Uprising of 1704—11 (ref. Bashkir Uprisings of the 17—18th centuries). Participant of the 1687 and 1689 Crimean Campaigns and the 1695 and 1696 Azov Campaigns. Tarkhan. Batyr....

“ALDAR AND ZUKHRA” (“Aldar menen Zukhra”), a monumental work of Bashkir literature, a khikayat. Presumably, recorded by T.S. Belyaev as heard from Kunkassesen, storyteller (his name is mentioned in the acknowledgements). There is the record in the Russian language titled My Evenings. Tales of the Bashkir....

ALDAR AND ZUKHRA (Aldar menen Zukhra), a monumental work of Bashkir literature, a khikayat. Presumably, recorded by T.S.Belyaev as heard from Kunkas-sesen, storyteller (his name is mentioned in the acknowledgements). There is the record in the Russian language titled My Evenings. Tales of the Bashkir....

ALEKSEYEVSKY, state collective farm, state unitary agricultural enterprise. Located in Ufimsky Raion, the central farm is in Selo Alekseyevka. Established in 1990 out of Ufa Greenhouse Collective Farm; since 1998 has its current status. A. consists of: a greenhouse facility, a complex facility for admission, ...

ALGA, an artesian spring of the Asylykul group, a natural monument (1965). Located 300 m NW of Derevnya Alga of Davlekanovsky Raion in the territory of Asylykul Natural Park. It comes out of the bottom of the ravine, composed by the rocks of the Ufa Tier of Late Perm (aleurolites, lime stone, conglomerates,...

ALIFBA (ABC book), a textbook for initial literacy education (ref. Alphabet). Based on the Cyrillic alphabet, the first A. was The Primer for the Bashkirs (1892, the author – presumably, V.V.Katarinsky). The Primer for the Bash kirs by A.G.Bessonov (1907), etc. Based on the Arabic script, textbook...

ALL-RUSSIAN EYE AND PLASTIC SURGERY CENTRE, the research and production, treatment and diagnostic and academic complex, which specializes in issues of tissue and cellular regeneration. Founded in 1983 in Ufa. The Centre consists of Department of Morphology and Cytochemistry, Department of Experimental...

ALLAYAROVA, Nazhiya Khibatovna
ALLAYAROVA, Nazhiya Khibatovna (b.15.7.1936, Derevnya Novobayramgulovo of Uchalinsky Raion of the BASSR), Singer (lyrical coloratura soprano). People’s Artist of the BASSR (1977), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1982) and BASSR (1971). Graduated from the Music Pedagogical Institute named after the Gnesins...

ALLERGOLOGY AND PEDIATRICS CLINIC, OOO, one of the largest healthcare institutions, which is a part of Promedicina Holding. Opened in Ufa in 2003. Consists of 7 multidisciplinary clinics with offices of specialist physicians, laboratory and diagnostic pharmacy block, etc. It provides paid outpatient...

ALLOPLANT, a graft composed of collagenous animal and human tissues. This graft was developed at the AllRussian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre under the guidance of E.R.Muldashev. In 1987 it was recommended for clinical use by the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR. The starting materials for A. are ligaments,...

ALMUKHAMETOV Khamit Khuzhiakhmetovich
ALMUKHAMETOV Khamit Khuzhiakhmetovich, Khamitsesen [1861, Derevnya Itkulovo 2nd of Verkhneuralsky Uyezd of Orenb. Gub. (now Baymaksky Raion of the RB) – 1923, ibid.] Sesen. A distinguished performer of the Uzunkyuy on kurai and connoisseur of the Bashkir folklore (kubairs,...

ALMUKHAMETOV, Gaziz Salikhovich
ALMUKHAMETOV, Gaziz Salikhovich [29.10.1895, Derevnya Staromuraptalovo of Orenburgsky Uyezd of Orenburg Gub. (Kuyurgazinsky Raion of the RB) — 10.7. 1938, Ufa], Singer (lyric tenor), Composer, Public Figure (music). People’s Artist of the BASSR (1929). Since 1932, he worked at the Ufa Music School and...

ALMUKHAMETOV, Khamit Khuzhiakhmetovich
ALMUKHAMETOV, Khamit Khuzhiakhmetovich, Khamit-sesen [1861, Derevnya Itkulovo 2nd of Verkhneuralsky Uyezd of Orenb. Gub. (now Baymaksky Raion of the RB) — 1923, ibid.] Sesen. A distinguished performer of the Uzunkyuy on kurai and connoisseur of the Bashkir folklore (kubairs, irtyaks). In 1910, at...

ALPAMYSHA is an epic hero in Bashkir mythology. The character is central for the epics, such as “Alpamysha and Barsynkhylu” and fairytales, such as “Alpbatyr”, “Alpamysha batyr” etc. He is the child of elderly parents; grows up very fast; incredibly tall, strong and handsome. According to Bashkir...

“ALPAMYSHA AND BARSYNKHYLU” (“Alpamysha menen Barsynkhylu”), a monumental epic work of Bashkir literature. Written in a combined poetic and prosaic form. First recorded by A.G. Bessonov in Orenb. Gub. at the end of the 19th – early 20th century. Various versions of the epic poem under the title Alpamysha,...

ALPAMYSHA AND BARSYNKHYLU (Alpamysha menen Barsynkhylu), a monumental epic work of Bashkir literature. Written in a combined poetic and prosaic form. First recorded by A.G.Bessonov in Orenb. Gub. at the end of the 19th — early 20th century. Various versions of the epic poem under the title Alpamysha,...

ALPHABET, a system of graphical characters – letters, conveying the sound image of the language by means of symbols, representing individual sound elements. Bashkirs used family signs before alphabetic writing, they were familiar with runic writing. With the adoption of Islam, the Arabic script began...

ALPHABET, a system of graphical characters – letters, conveying the sound image of the language by means of symbols, representing individual sound elements. Bashkirs used family signs before alphabetic writing, they were familiar with
runic writing. With the adoption of Islam, the Arabic script began...